MommyFest 2008 Blog Party!!!

The party has begun!!! MommyFest is throwing a grand blog party from May 12th - May 16th and you're invited!!! MommyFest, a real community for and by a Mom who brings you the latest interactive online convention for Moms.

Blog parties are really good ways to meet other bloggers, like yourself, win prizes and drive traffic to your blog/website! The last blog party I went to was a lot of fun. I didn't win any prizes but I did meet some bloggers that I wouldn't have other wise met.
Now, if you're new to Lisa C's (from the party), kick back and stay a little, you'll love it!. I'm a wife and mother to 5 wonderful children whom I Homeschool and have been doing so for the past 9 years (wow, it's been that long?). I've been blogging for two years now and mainly started (with the encouragement from dear hubby) to have an outlet, a place that I could go and take all of my thoughts with me and invite all of you, in. I've made it past the infamous "first three months" and I'm looking forward to the next two years!
Through my journey I've met some other bloggers along the way (Alyson, Shelia, Regina, Mrs. G) that I have come to know and take part in their lives and families as well. Because of things like that it's worth it. In addition to having very busy days with the children, home and hubby I have my blog to come to and let it all hang out.
The other day I learned that a good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer,
it literally rocked my world something terrible. I'm much better now that I spoke with her yesterday and had some time to let it rest with me.

So again, welcome to Lisa C's. I hope you enjoy your visit and will be back soon!! Drop me a comment so that I'll know who you are and I'll make sure and make my way over to visit with you soon.

Have fun at the party!!!


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