Inspired To Write...

The other day a friend of mine asked me, where have you been? She then proceeded to say, it's like you fell off the face of the earth. I laughed and said, "no, I've actually fallen onto the face of the earth".

Girl, thanks for that little laugh, I appreciated the moment :)

I've fallen onto the face of the earth and bumped right into my family, friends (old and new), business partners, business meetings, social gatherings, moms meetings, and so many activities for the kids, life has been busy.

My natural journey has opened so many doors, talk about beautiful women. Sistah's who have inspired me to keep going and stay focused on the end result rather than the transitioning stage. These days I mostly wear my hair in a ponytail-bun. I don't have time to get all fancy, but when I can I'll do a two-strand twist style and use my latest product discovery, Oyin Handmade. They are very reasonable and the products smell so good. If it's one thing I've learned about going natural is that you become a product junky. It's ok though, it's all part of the journey. You have to find out what works for you. And my daughters are loving it as well, we play in our hair more now than before when I would just press their hair. Natural hair is so versatile. We are learning together. There is a movie out called 400 years without a comb, what an eye opener. We watched it as a history lesson and had a quiz at the end. If you want to find it, look it up on Youtube. It will be in separate parts but it's all there.

Gotta run...

peace n love ~
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How 'bout those Obamas!!!!


  1. So glad to "read" you again. You have been missed. Live your life girl! Live your life!

  2. Renee ~ What's going on girl! I miss you too. I'll be in touch very soon, seeing how we're right around the corner from each other now :)

  3. Lisa, I am so happy for you that you are SO HAPPY! I agree with Renee that you have been missed :) Enjoy every day!!

  4. Sheliza ~ Thank you for your inspiration!! I miss you too. Talk to you soon :)

  5. Hey Ms. Lisa!
    I loved our "chat"! You have been missed. Glad you popped into my email for a minute!
    Do what works for you & yours! But I still want to see a picture of the hair!!!!!

  6. Regina ~ I enjoyed our chat as well! I will post some pics soon.
    You know you're gonna have to do the same :)

  7. was wondering where u were...welcome back folk

  8. Torrance ~ I thought about you just yesterday. What's up man! I missed you too :)

  9. Glad you popped in on your blog, even if just for a minute. Looks like things are really going great! I love my natural hair and lifestyle. It's so liberating. Namaste sistah!

  10. Since I'm transitioning to Natural, I'll research those products and check out the video too, thanks.

  11. Ana ~ You are one of those beautiful sistah's I spoke about. I'm glad to know you :) Namaste my beautiful sistah!

  12. Sista GP ~ Let me know if you have any trouble getting the video, I can assist you with that. It's such a good lesson.

    Congratulations on going natural!! I just braided my 4 year old's hair today and used the Shine & Define and Whipped Pudding products, I love it. Her hair is so soft and shinny. Let me know how it goes with that as well.

  13. Welcome back! Sounds like you're really enjoying your journey! ;)

  14. You sound like you are in a really good place. You inspire me. Great blog!

  15. Tanyetta ~ It's good to hear from you :) I was so surprised to hear about your good news, congrats again!

  16. Health Nut Wannabee Mom ~ The things you are passionate about are right up my ally. I enjoy reading your blog and all the insight you have to offer. Thanks for stopping by :)

  17. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Hey girl,
    I am so glad to see a post from you :) I know you are busy but I am happy you are doing so well.

  18. Tricia ~ It's good to be back, especially to visit with my friends :)

  19. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Lisa You're a wonderful writer I could read your blog forever. You need to write a book!!!Thanks for your openness and the different quotes they came home.


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