Poll: EntreCard Changes - For Better or Worse?

So just when we thought we had Entrecard all figured out, and were moving up the ranks into the top 20 of our category - Entrecard goes and has a braingasm. If you're an Entrecard virgin, none of this will make any sense to you unless you read Lisa's previous post explaining what this fuss is all about.

For those of you who are still trying to figure out what just happened at the EC, let me see if I can summarize. The single biggest change is that the cost to advertise on your blog or website is no longer determined by the number of drops you get from other entrecarders. (It's still important to get those drops if rising to the top of your category is important to you, as popularity will still be determined by the number of drops you receive daily.)

Your entrecard cost (the # of credits other entrecarders have to spend to advertise on your blog) is determined entirely by the desire of the EC community to be seen on your blog. Each request to advertise doubles your cost from the base price of 2ec. So if you have 1 requests, your cost will be 2ec. If you have 4 requests, your cost will be 16 ec. If you have 5 requests, your cost is now 32ec. And if you have 10 requests, your cost is now 1024. Remember it doubles for every new ad request.

When an ad has completed, your cost will drop in half. So in order for you cost to advertise to remain consistent you need to replace each ad that completes with a new ad request. This is Entrecards way of setting market supply and demand. Of course as you drop in cost, people will scoop you up because of the bargain, but they will only pay an amount that is reasonable for the quality and quantity of exposure your blog can provide them.

There are a few other changes that you should be aware of. If you haven't done so already, visit the Entrecard blog and see for yourself. So we'd like to know how you feel about the new changes to the Entrecard system. Take a moment to answer our poll or "share some love", and leave me comment.


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