Entrecard - Dropping It Like It's HOT!

I'm just loving Entrecard!! If you haven't done so already, go get you one. It's easy to sign up and remember when you do stop by and drop one on your girl.

So it's time to spread the love to the highest entrecard droppers over the past few weeks. I'll be doing this more often so if you want to make the list keep dropping on my card.

First up is, We Love Nature, thank you guys! (As a side note, not only are they great droppers but they are also a wonderful site to by ads from. I've gotten close to 160 click thru's on my ad from their site in just 2 days!!)

Next in line are 4 blogs that have tied for 2nd place: BareFooted Me, sHaE-sHaE's Blog, Black Tennis Pro's, and A Girl For All Status. BareFooted Me and A Girl For All Status are new to me and I've enjoyed reading their posts. sHaE-sHaE and Black Tennis Pro's are my girls. If you want gossip about whatever, sHaE-sHaE's is where it's at and if you love Tennis, want to learn about Tennis, don't know what the heck I'm talking about you need to check out Black Tennis Pro's. Didn't know we played the sport? You have no idea!

Lastly, the next 5 blogs all tied for 3rd place: My Sense and Sensibility, Including My 'Non-Senses', Deb on the Rocks, UrbanSwirl.com, BeautifulandHappy, and PHP/My SQL CSS. I wouldn't have met these bloggers if it weren't for Entrecard!

Ok, what are you waiting for?
Get over to Entrecard and start dropping it like it's HOT!


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