An Award? For Me?!

Yeah!!!! I've been awarded the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award!!!!

I was awarded by a beautiful lady, Erina Hart, who's writings just move me. Check her out over at Into Ink Spot.This award was originally created by Roberta, over at Blogging Made Devilishly Simple!

When this award is given to you, your job is to simply award other female bloggers that you think ROCK!!

So here's my list, Rock On Ladies...

Yemi, Lianne, Rocky, Opal, Shelia,Yolanda, Paula, Sindy, Tanyetta, Mrs. Grapevine, Aly Cat, Jordan, Sheena, Invisible Woman, Sheliza, Laura, & Shae-Shae!

Now it's your turn ladies, make someones day why dontcha!


  1. Hey Lisa -

    Thanks for the rockin' girl blogger award, and for hitting me up with a comment.

    I didn't know you were a Trini...

    Gorgeous women, I tell ya.


  2. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Aawww thanks! I like link love, it makes my technorati score go up. Believe me, I can use some. THANKS! Gotta go feed the infant.

  3. I won an award? Awww sukie sukie now! Thank YOU! :o) You made my day girl. I'm going to go give out this award to other deserving bloggers.

  4. Congrats for the well deserved award and for the new recipients!

  5. You are more than deserving of this award, Lisa! You have a great blog, and you are an amazing person.

    I’m glad my writings “move you.” Even if everyone else left Into the Inkpot, I’d still write for you.

    I can’t wait to check out the blogs that belong to the new recipients! I’m sure they rock!

  6. Congratulations to you and thank you soooo much good lookin'! You made my day. It's always nice to be thought of by those whom you think are great. Have a blessed day. I'll be sure and pass on the privilege.

  7. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Congratulations Lisa!

    Doesn't it feel good when your peers show their appreciation by showering you with love, honor, and respect?


  8. congrats! you are definitely a rockin girl blogger!

  9. Thnaks babygirl...even tho you named half of the people I would have given it to, haha....I'm so glad you like my's great to have you around :-)

  10. awww from one "rocker" to another, thanks Hon! (you know I ain't won nothing since 5th grade? LOL)

  11. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Thanks so much!

  12. Congrats on being a rockin' blogger!

  13. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Thanks for exchanging links on our blogrolls! Don´t forget to check us out everyday for the hottest contests on the internet!

  14. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Aww thank you!!! You are a rocking blogger yourself :)

  15. Hi Lisa!
    I found your blog from Tanyetta and Sheliza...congrats on the award! You have a beautiful family!

  16. Ladies ~ It was all my pleasure!!! I'm always down for giving props where it's due. You guys deserved it.

    Thanks ~ Rolando, Manchild, & again Erina!!

    Rock On!

  17. Melanie, thanks so much!

    Thanks Angie, glad you found me!

  18. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I just came around to your blog to visit with you and found the award. What a great surprise!

    Thank you:)

  19. Woo hooo I'm honored! I never thought I'd be receiving this award! Thanks girl! You're great!

  20. Sheena, glad you stopped by to pick up your reward!!

    Can't wait to see who you will give the award too. I'll stop by soon.

  21. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hey girl!! Congrats! You deserve it, thanks for passing the torch! xoxo Lianne

  22. Yemi, you are welcome!!! Rock on Mommy!!!

    Hey Lianne, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the congrats. Keep up the awesome work and for keeping us 'staying pretty'.


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