Lead Foot!

Lead Foot, my husband has been calling me this for years! I'll admit it, I do drive a little faster than I should. I'm an excellent driver. I was taught by the best, my Dad! And having two older brother's who were both good drivers helped too. That's why in all of my years of driving I have never, ever, ever, ever....did I say ever? received a speeding ticket.

So, why NOW???? I can't believe it!! Remember the other day when it was TT's birthday and I told you that we took her to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate? Well, we were running late and that's one thing I absolutely hate, is to be late. Seriously, I get all bent out of shape when it comes to this. I should have planned better the night before but I didn't. I had had a long day with the kids and I just wanted to get to bed!

Our party was scheduled to start at twelve so we needed to arrive fifteen minutes earlier to get set up. This was going to be impossible since we didn't leave the house until after eleven and it would take us thirty minutes or so to get there. So in the van we go and lead foot Mommy let loose!

You know what? It's the funniest thing, just before the officer clocked me I said to myself "what good would it be for you to get a ticket right now, you better slow down". (Yes, I do talk to myself). Those were my exact words. Right after that D. said "look". Well, I looked alright, and that's when I saw the car sitting there, waiting for the next lead footer to come speeding by, and this time it happened to be me. (sigh) I pulled over gave him my info. He came back, handed me my ticket and said "you were going sixty-four in a forty-five". YIKES!! Getting to Chuck E. Cheese couldn't have been that serious?!

There you have it. My first speeding ticket, EVER! (**Shaking Head**)

Speeding ticket stories, anyone??? I know I'm not alone...


  1. Unfortunately, I know how it feels. I'd had an extremely difficult day at work after which I attended church that evening. When church was out, I just wanted to get home. I was "gettin it", yeah speeding. Anyway, a highway patrol man pulled me over and ticketed me. The most memorable thing about it was that my 3 year old at the time was terrified - he kept crying in the back of the car, "mommys going to jail, mommys going to jail" - poor thing.

  2. lol here in Barbados most people say women can't drive because they either drive really slow or really bad xD Everyone doesn't say it but it a well known fact that the majority can't drive, no offense to any women. Our roads are small because the island is small so its harder to maneuver so can understand why :) Seems you have a need for speed :o You should come to our Rally some time haha

  3. Aj ~ Awww, how sweet! I'm glad it was just a ticket and not what it seemed to be to your little one.
    I've learned my lesson...lol. Slowing down!

    Z ~ No offense taken! We women know you men only say that about us so it will take the light off of how bad you really drive...lol ;) (just kidding).
    Need for speed? I did that day and you see where it got me? Like I said to AJ, slowing down! :)

  4. I'm doing much better now with my speeding. I figure it's better to get there late than not at all because of the possibility of an accident.

    Now if I could only get my grown children to slow down.

  5. AJ ~ You have driving age children, huh? I can't imagine what that's going to be like. My heart is pounding right now. :O

    I know it's only a matter of time. When it comes my hope is that they will not have to learn this lesson the hard way.

    I'll be making that dreadful call on Monday to find out how much $$$ this is going to cost me. OUCH!

  6. I have 2 driving. Between the two of them they've only received one ticket (that I know of) lol.

  7. ah dang, that sucks Lisa. Sorry, I know the feeling. I'm a lead foot too. Join the club.

    I've had several when I was younger. I guess having a radar detector has paid off for now (knock on wood).

  8. Hey leadfoot! Ha ha ha, don't feel bad - I got a ticket 2 weeks ago for doing 31 mph in a 30 mph zone. It was 3:00 AM out in the country, there wasn't another car within 20 miles except of course my good buddy Johnny Law:)

  9. Youch. Not that I have never sped, but my speeding ticket story is about me not speeding.

    The officer said the helicopter clocked me at 80. In a tiny Geo with three cyliners. Going up hill. I looked at him dubiously. I was not sure that car was capable of going that fast down hill, let alone uphill.

    I think they clocked the big semi white truck that was passing me on the hill.

  10. I remember my first ticket. I was running late to work (I don't miss those days at all) and was stopped going 65 on a 50 speed limit. I'm so glad I don't have to rush to work anymore, since my commute now is only 5 seconds away :) Nevertheless, I sympathize with you and know how that feels.

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I absolutely hate to be late so I feel you on the speeding. Lately I've been fighting myself to just not do it since I know my budget couldn't take even the slightest speeding ticket at the moment.

    As far as my speeding tickets I've pretty much cried and cajoled my way out of them (been 2 times thus far) when I've been stopped, so I'm definitely going to be keeping this on my mind when I get the urge to put the pedal to the metal.

  12. Anonymous1:06 AM

    I only go five over the speed limit.

  13. Hey Lisa! At least your husband stopped at 'lead foot.' My brother and sister call me "lead foot louie" from the time I was 16 years old 'till now. My brother says that whenever I would drive his car, when I got out I had gas all the way up to my knees. So rotten. But I got my first ticket a few years ago too and I'm a few years older than you, so I know the feeling well. The good thing is, I've never had another and did not change my driving habits. Like you, I drive a little fast, but I'm a good driver, no accidents and only that one ticket, it's not so bad.

  14. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. You see, I knew I wasn't alone :)

    Rolando~ that might not be such a bad idea!

    Bobby~ I would have been furious! One mile over and you wouldn't let me slide? They will get you in the country.

    Dana~ That's too funny! I would have looked at him the same way.

    My fashion e-mall blog~ You are among the lucky ones. Did you see, we are working on getting my husband home as well. I'll check out the tips you offer on your blog. Thanks for stopping by!

    Yolanda~ Lady, I would have tried taking that route, but I was too upset. I didn't feel like begging. Not in front of my kids and hubby, anyway. I just took it like a man. Hahahaha!

    Mrs. Grapevine~ Good for you! :P
    Let us Lead Footers all learn something from Mrs. G, she drives with a halo ;)

  15. yeah you right, gettin to chuck e cheese ain't that serious. I get caught up about been late too, get all anxious and sh*t. Then I think about that saying "arrive alive" and just breathe (and then breathe about 1,000 more times). LOL.

    I've gotten tickets for stuff like tags, headlights, parking, you know the "usual"

  16. aww sorry you got your first speeding ticket. I never speed, I am the one that everyone passes up cause I actually drive the speed limit. LOL! My sister says even old ladies drive faster than I do!

  17. Shelia~ Lead Foot Louie...lol. Now that's funny!! See I didn't drive fast when I was younger. I started after I had my children. The more you have the greater potential you have for being late...lol.

    Aly Cat~ Why am I not surprised...lol. You always keep me laughing!!!

    Sheliza~ You are right 'up there' with Mrs. Grapevine :) I see your halo ;)

  18. Anonymous7:48 PM

    lmaoooo mine calls me "grandma" say i drive slow :0(

  19. Yep! I treat cops with respect but I'll tell them how it is if they treat me without respect! I have a big mouth sometimes but I don't apologize for it! My ticket is $25.00! For 1 measly MPH:)

  20. Thea~ I'm learning, that's not a bad name to have after all. Especially when it comes to driving!
    Btw, Welcome!! Hope to see you again soon!

    Bobby~ $25?? They should get a slap on their wrists! I wouldn't doubt you'd tell them like it is, that's what you do anyway!

  21. if it's available where you live, go to traffic school to avoid points on your license. and you're right:
    Getting to Chuck E. Cheese couldn't have been that serious?!


  22. Tanyetta~ Isn't it amazing what we take serious??? And, going to traffic school to avoid points, where would I find the time??..lol! But, thanks for the thought.

    Btw, I made that dreaded call guys and the ticket is $133.00. OUCH!!


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