Currently Where The Light Is - Creation

Reading... Sex At Dawn. Taking my time, making my way through this one. Sex & Pearls, how appropriate? They do go hand and hand, wouldn't you say? The pearls made it easy to digest, I guess. Sex At Dawn - have you read it?
"How we mate, why we stray, and what it means for modern relationships. 

Here's some of the things you'll read about on the inside: 
Why long-term fidelity can be so difficult for so many. 
Why sexual passion tends to fade even as love deepens. 
Why many middle-aged men risk everything for an affair. 
Why homosexuality persists in the face of standard evolutionary logic. 
What the human body reveals about the prehistoric origins of modern sexuality."  
I'm looking forward to it.
If you've read it please share your feelings on this work and what, if anything, did you learn from it.   


Feeling... happiness. In this moment I'm grateful for the happiness that I'm experiencing because I am doing something I love - writing & enjoying my pleasures. Slowly allowing the words to pour out of my soul, observing my creation. Delighting in the new things to come with my blog and online presence. My heart feels joyful and I'm grateful. 

What brings you happiness? 


Smelling... sage. I bought this batch back in Atlanta. I Love the smell of Sage. I burn it throughout my house, my alters, and around me. It's a cleansing method that's been used for ages. My aunt would burn it in her apartment and not only did the smell arouse me but the ritual itself resonated with me.

Here are a few ways I use it in our home:
Whenever I'm feeling a bit frazzled, over-worked, anxious about anything I burn it and sit in front of my alter and pray or meditate or draw my tarot cards. It's method is healing and soothing to my soul. 
Whenever we move in to a new space I'll burn it and walk around the home into every room performing a blessing ritual. Basically giving thanks and blessing our new space. 

Do you use Sage for spiritual house cleansing or any cleansing for that matter?


Tasting... these sweet cranberries and delicious almonds and yummy ginger dressing. Honoring my body and what it wants. Making sure to stay aligned with what is best for my body. I do this by listening to what my body is hungry for in each moment. I do this by having healthy snacks around me so I won't reach for those unhealthy snacks or snacks that don't serve me. I do this by not allowing myself to become too hungry in between meals leaving me with hunger pains that causes me to eat whatever. Which is usually NOT what's best for me.

Also... the beginnings of some vegan Homemade Coconut Waffles that had my children and husband smacking their syrupy smothered lips. Blog post for this recipe coming soon. The pictures will make  your mouth water. 

So, when are you coming over for your homemade waffles? I always make enough to share.


Listening... to Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. 
"The idea of freedom. The idea of being unspoiled and having rhythms that are uninterrupted by the overdose of the intellect."

Another book that I learned about some years ago and took the time to read during my hiatus from the internet in 2012. I listen to be reminded of what's important - the soul. I listen and read to remember what is dear to me - my wild woman. I listen and read and slowly, sometimes rapidly, are being transformed. 
My life needed this book, Clarrisa's wisdom, stories, and teachings. Everything all of a sudden made sense. I was not the "different" one in my family that I was always told I was. My ways were not strange and abnormal like I was taught to believe. There was nothing ever, ever, ever wrong with me. 
As a child I would listen to the birds sing and learn their songs. I would listen to the breeze blow through the tree leaves and hear it's message. I felt the bees hum within me whenever they were around. I heard my name whispered all the time and when I turned around no one was there. I saw shadows of people in the corners of my eyes that as I got older embraced them as friends. These things I experienced made me special. They are a part of who I am and I no longer push them away because of shame.

Does this sound like you? 
Did you grow up feeling strangely different from those you called family, or couldn't explain why you always felt out of place? Don't be ashamed. You are not alone. You have a place, it just may have not been there. 


Creating... his musical beats and rhythms. Tapping into his creative flow, enjoying his pleasures. He loves making music and DJ-ing. His hours at work only allow this to happen during small windows of his free time. I can only imagine what he could do with even more time. Those days will be here soon enough. For now, he enjoys these little moments he has and I enjoy watching him flow.

What do you enjoy doing / creating but don't have the time that you would like to do it? 



Wondering... what is she thinking, feeling, sensing, seeing. So intriguing, always leaves me wondering of her wonder. Who is she? Why did she choose me in my dream the day before David brought her home. In my dream she brought a spirit of play as she does to our lives everyday. She is a mystery unfolding, waiting to be re-discovered once again.

Do you have an animal(s)? Have you ever felt the kind of connection I'm speaking about? 


Pondering... these delicious curves, naked skin, soft places, resting places, white linens, magic happening. Slowly drifting like these butterflies flying high. Body deliciously heavy with memories, feeling the comfort of home, on this bed, in this space. A touch of light frolicking, dancing where I once laid my head. Can you see it? Loose locs, waiting to be released from their nightly wrap, desiring and deserving freedom. 
My mind slips in and out of worlds. The one inside my camera and the other on the other side. Holding it steady, hearing my breath as I inhale and exhale just before I snap. 

Currently where the light is. 

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