Blogger {Love} on Pinterest

Are you a blog reader, like me? Do you find yourself getting lost in the world of a blogger and not minding it at all? Do you feel like you know them and in some way have become a part of their lives?
I do. All the time. Today I share some of my favorites with you.

I've been blogging for the past eight years. Since then I've met some amazing women and men. I love what I do. I love blogging, sharing my life, my perspective on things, and the things I love. I love to read other's blogs who do the same. I learn so much from them and about them that I feel like I know them. I feel like we are good friends. Do you know what I mean?

When I follow a blogger's life through their blog and stories I become a part of their lives. Sometimes they know it and sometimes not. But the joy that I get doesn't come from them having to know. Many of these men and women I've never met in person but I feel like we have, and I hope to meet them some day. 

Just a few months ago I decided to create a Pinterest board in honor these wonderful bloggers. I wanted a place to share their work, their stories, and who they are. I wanted a place to show my appreciation by sharing them with you. I wanted a place that I could go to for some quick inspiration, heartfelt stories, laughs and cries. My hope is that you'll feel the same way too. As you read their stories and blogs I hope you find as much joy in them as I do. I hope you'll connect with them as well. Let me know if you do. Let me know if at least one of them resonates with you. Maybe you're already following one, two, or few. Either way let me know.

The board is called, Blogger {Love}Supporting my fellow bloggers, writers, poets. Post's and articles written that move me, fill me up, open me up, liberate me. I hope you enjoy them too. 

I hope that you'll take some time to read their blogs and see why I appreciate them so much. 

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  1. Wow! 8 years of blogging, that's phenomenal! I am new follower, and like you I love discovering new blogs. Great post

  2. Yep, 8!!! I love it and am grateful that my husband told to give it a try. There are so many blogs out here today and so many to fall in love with. That's one of the beautiful things about blogging - finding other blogs to love. Thanks for following. I appreciate you.


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