Tips On Maneuvering Your Way Through Writer's Rut

In Jamaica I had time to think. I had time to think on things that had been weighing on me for a while. One of those things was my writing. I needed to clear my head in order to write. I needed to find out where my writing voice had gone. It seemed to have disappeared over the last few weeks. Vacationing allows me the space to clear my head and find the answers I've been looking for. So, I sat down at my computer desk to write and this is what came to me.

Stories that are left untold / unwritten stay within you and turn into a form of something else. My stories that are left untold usually come out in the form of pictures, facial expressions, energy surging through my body. Energy that is felt by others who sometimes cannot explain what they are feeling. Stories left untold as my writing slips away from me stay within me and come out at different times, in different ways whenever they are ready. 

I know this sounds like a bit of a ramble but it’s a story coming out in the form of rambling words. I’d rather write them and release them even if they are not as clear as I would want them to be. 

Being in a place like this can be frustrating for a writer. But I’ve learned to go with the flow of wherever my writing is at the moment. Whenever I find myself stuck in a writing rut I don’t give up. (Non-intentional rhyming happens randomly to me. It’s like a gift given to me at the moment. Something as simple as a rhyme to put a smile on my face about my writing.) Now where was I? A writing rut doesn’t slow me down or defeat me any longer. Here’s my reasons why.

It gives me time to pause in between writing. Whatever it is I’m writing at the moment and focused on may need me to pause. Pausing gives me time to breathe, evaluate, asses, and see if this is the direction I still desire to go. Writing is a process. Sometimes that process is fast, or slow, or non-existent. Whatever it is we must accept it.

I get to do something else. Early I mentioned stories left untold / unwritten stay within you and turn into a form of something else. The something else is another expression of my stories being told. Photography has become a love. I enjoy playing with my camera now as much as I enjoy writing. It gives me the same pleasure, yet different. 

I get to play around with words that don’t necessarily make sense at the moment. How cool is that? These are words that I may not choose during my regular writing flow. These are words that just happen to appear when I sit down and allow the rambling to come out. Rambling words are playful, lite, happy, and free. Rambling words allow the kid in me to have fun with my craft and not take it too seriously. 

If you are a writer and this is what you love to do then writing should bring you joy. It should not bring you pain. Whenever you feel your writing has gotten to the place of pain then you’ll know it’s time to get up and walk away. Consider what other forms your stories are wanting to be told. Be easy on yourself. Remember that your writing is a process and has it’s own flow. There will be times of rapid flow and times of very slow trickles. Accept them both.

What are some ways you maneuver through writers rut?

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