Stung By A Jellyfish in Jamaica

On day three in Jamaica, enjoying a swim with David in the warm and gentle waters, a jellyfish decides I’m the snack of the day. Yes, I got stung by a jellyfish for the first time ever in my life. OUCH!

We were swimming alone, it was beautiful. The sun was settling in for evening but it was still light outside. The water was warm but not as cozy as we would have liked. The amount of seaweed and little stones that were in the water was annoying to say the least. This was one of the reasons David carried me the entire time we were in the water. We bathed, laughed, played like kids, had an intimate conversation right in the middle of the beach. We weren’t too far from the shore but enough to where the water covered his chest. I loved being in his arms. I loved the conversation we were having as well. It’s something about vacations and the many love lessons you can learn while away. 

When it was time to go David picked me up further on his hips and began walking to the shore, that’s when I saw something come up to the surface of the water and go back down. It had a mushroom-like head. I told him I thought I saw something but wasn’t sure. It could have been my imagination but it might not have been. Looking back on it now I did see something but it might not have been a jellyfish. David kept walking and when he reached to a place where he couldn’t hold me up any longer he put me down. My right foot touched down first, that’s when I felt the rocks under my foot and something else, like seaweed brush up against my leg. I brushed it away with my right hand, saying, this seaweed is everywhere. As I started walking towards the sand my upper right leg began to burn. I said my leg is burning and it feels like it’s on fire. I looked down and didn’t see anything but it was still burning. I sat down on the beach chair looking all around my leg for little splinters because that’s what it felt like. It felt like a million little splinters got stuck in my leg all at once. Still I didn’t see anything. David was trying to get me to relax because he didn’t think it was anything serious. Deep down I think he didn’t want it to be so he did his best to try and keep me calm. That’s when a million tiny red bumps, in several neat rows,  flared up on my thigh which was enough for him to say, “okay, let’s go get help”. 

Luckily for me an attendant was nearby and as soon as he saw the bumps started smiling and said, “oh, that’s a jellyfish sting, mon. Ev'ry ting is going to be alright”. It was funny to him and set David at ease, but my leg was on fire at this point and I wanted relief. The attendant said this kind of thing happens all the time in Jamaica and not to worry. He put some fresh water from a hose on the area and gave me some cream to rub on it. Within the hour I was much better. I only experienced an on again off again tingling feeling in the area. After googling jellyfish stings and looking through the many pictures I couldn’t find one that resembled the way it looked on my skin. Some of those pictures are horrific with flesh-eaten, huge holes appearing on the skin. Mine looked like the jellyfish slowly placed each tentacle in a strategic, loving, manner. And literally, within the hour it was gone as if it never happened.

I’m not sure what kind of ointment that was but it worked and I didn’t have to do what the locals said I could do which was, pee on it. Since I got stung so high up on my thigh, that would leave only one option, David peeing on me and that wasn’t an option at all. LOL. 

When we got home and shared the story with our children we did a google search together to find out the symbolic meaning of jellyfish. Our discovery was amazing. It spoke to where I was in my life at the time and it went along with the conversation David and I were having at the time I got stung. Coincidence?, I don’t believe in that. A message?, a sign?, yes, I’m more likely to believe. And, I accepted it. I felt like that jellyfish showed up in my life, at that time, and stung me like it was supposed to. 
If you’re interested (who wouldn’t be?) you can read the symbolic meaning here. It’s very interesting. I would love to hear your thoughts. 
Also, if you’ve ever gotten stung by a jellyfish, do share your story. I would love to hear that as well.

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