Our Jamaica 2014 - Part 1

Have you ever visited a place and feel like you belonged there? You have a sense of belonging, and feeling like "home" is all around you. This is how I felt when we step outside of the airport after landing in Jamaica last week Friday. 

David and I have never been to Jamaica together or alone. It's surprising because we've always had a heavy Jamaican influence over our lives since we were young. We grew up around so many Jamaicans when we lived in Brooklyn, NY. We've been influenced by the music, food, and culture all of our lives but have never visited until now. You can only imagine the delight we experienced. It was the best.

I have a lot of pictures from our trip to share. I won't be able to do it all at once so here is part one - our flight to Jamaica and check-in at the Half Moon Resort in Rose Hall Montego Bay, Jamaica.

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  1. Though the (sometimes deadly) homophobia of the Caribbean gives me pause, I feel that way about Trinidad and Tobago.

  2. Interesting because Trinidad is home for me and David. Our parents are born there. What homophobia do you speak of. Never heard that before.


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