The Beautiful Disruption by GG Renee Hill - A Book Review

I had the pleasure of reading, The Beautiful Disruption by GG Renee and was asked to write about it. I was so moved by her story, and the familiarity of it shook me deeply. I was happy to write something for her and wanted to share it with you. 

This is what I said: 

I saw myself in the pages of this book. Each page I turned I recognized me. I connected with GG's story, with her experiences, with her courage. I cried at a few places and other's I had to stop reading because the feelings were too strong. Memories of my own experiences came back to me. These moments gave me an opportunity to sit with and face those experiences again, with courage.

GG Renee writes with passion, conviction, and courage in sharing her intimate story with us. Her book will help you navigate your way through challenging experiences that you think you cannot overcome. In "The Beautiful Disruption" she let's us know that we can. 

My own childhood experiences dealing with a mom who didn't know how to connect with me intimately, who was heavily influenced by others around her, left me feeling alone and unwanted. As a girl child trying to navigate her way through this thing called life, not having a mother who showed her how, I understand the struggles that GG Renee speaks about. I didn't think I had the courage and the tools to become a whole and complete woman. 

It hasn't been an easy journey. I've had to figure out things on my own, just like she describes in her book. There are times when she wanted to pick up the phone and simply speak to her mommy but couldn't because her mothers struggles always got in the way. When life gets so heavy I still want to pick up my phone and make a call to my mom. I wish we could have a heart to heart intimate conversation about life, love, family, children, sex, husbands. This is sometimes difficult to accept but over the years it has gotten easier to deal with. 

From young I've learned to use my experiences for my good. Instead of dwelling on what I didn't have I focused on what I wanted to have. I focused on the woman I wanted to be. I pulled from outside resources such as my friends moms and women such as Maya Angelou. I knew that there was another way and I was determined to have it. I wanted to learn how to be a mother to my daughters that I would be proud of. Like GG Renee, I found the courage to rewrite my future through embracing my past.

GG Renee's book is a must read. Her story will inspire you, open you up, and help you to find beauty in your struggles. 


When you come across a beautiful soul, one that is kindred spirit, you automatically know. Thanks to instagram, once again, for helping me to meet this amazing woman. Our connection was so real, so heartfelt, right from the start. I love the work that GG Renee is doing in helping women to embrace the beauty of who they are. I was featured as one of her Soulful Beauties and was completely honored to share who I am with her audience. 

She's doing wonderful things for herself, you, and me. She just recently launched a new baby called, Blog and Bloom // Creative Coaching For Soulful Bloggers. If you ever wanted to start a blog but have no clue as to how, or fear would get in your way of moving forward, take a look at what she's offering. It may be the help you need.  


I'm always up for delving into good reads. Right now I have my hands full of books to read. Some of them, like I mentioned to you before, are by friends that I've met online. I can't tell you how good I feel knowing that I'm reading something from someone I've admired and have had some kind of personal interaction with. It's the best feeling in the world to be able to support them on their journey. 

If you have any book suggestions for me please send them my way. My list is long but I'll eventually get to read each and every one of them. That's a promise I made to myself.
What's been on your nightstand lately?

By the way, have a wonderful weekend!


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