When Change Comes A New You Is Born, Are You Ready?

The winds are changing again. I can feel the pull within and without. This time around I feel more ready than ever before. This time I'm much more grounded, safe, and secure in knowing who I am. This time I'm getting out of my own way and deciding to give myself what I've been asking for. 
The changes are not forced upon me or feel like they are backing me into a corner. I'm making the decision to bring on the change. I'm ready for this new day, this new feeling, this new place in my life. 

What a relief to be able to say that.

What have you been asking for that you haven't been getting because you're standing in your way? You don't have to share it here if you don't want to. This is just a question to get you thinking. A question that you know needs an answer. 

I've been talking about traveling so much lately, and just to know my dreams are coming true feels so, so good!
The picture above is not mine. I didn't take it, nor was I there. But it is my view in a kind of way. I long to have views like these in my life often. I want to travel the world. I've always wanted to travel the world ever since a young girl. Whenever I come across pictures like these I save them and use them as visuals to see myself where I want to be. I found this one on Pinterest and immediately knew it was for me. According to the previous pinner, this is a view from a balcony in Paris. Paris! This is a destination I must have in my lifetime and I'm going to get it. What's a "must" destination for you?

I'm preparing to travel in the next few months again. I'll share where I'm going as time goes on. I'm excited. Very excited.

If you've been following me on Instagram or other social media outlets you would know about my decision to go raw for 21 days. For the next 21 days I will be eating only raw foods which will consist of mainly fruits and veggies. If you have an opportunity, watch the video I posted yesterday. It goes into detail as to why I decided to do this. There are certain things that come up in your life that you are ready for and when they come, you'll know. I was on youtube and saw a video that intrigued me. It was of a woman talking about being vegan and eating only raw foods. She peaked my interest. All of her fruits and veggies looked so enticing. She lead me to finding the video by Fully Raw Kristina, talking about this 21 day challenge. When I saw it, I was ready. It had my name written all over it. I was in the right place, at the right time. It was an easy decision to make.

I'll be vlogging about my challenge and all the changes it brings up for me. I've had a few people join me on this challenge. I'm so happy for them. When you do things with others it makes things easier to handle. Support is priceless, especially taking on challenging tasks. If you would like to join us, and feel that this is what you should do, let me know. Let's do this together. We are going to encourage each other to the end and beyond.

If there is something you've been wanting to do, or to have, don't wait any longer to begin. You've only got one precious life to live here, live it up while you can. As I'm watching my Father age and slowly become a child again my appreciation for life has grown tremendously. I don't want to wait for that "perfect" moment any longer. I don't want to wait until things are all in order to begin something that I say I want. There is no time like the now. Live in the now. Do what you want and tell you fears, "Thanks, but no thanks. This time I'm choosing me."

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