Back In Atlanta - Sorting Through The Old And Embracing The New

I'm sitting on my bed staring at all these lists that I've made for myself. There's a list of things to do in Atlanta, in Orlando. A list of things to buy in both places. A list of people and places to see in Atlanta. A list for me, for my children, for hubby and now I'm writing a list just to organize all of those other lists. Can you tell I'm drowning in lists? 
(Picture via Pinterest)

Last night I indulged in one of my favorite places to visit when in Atlanta. (Make a note to visit Jeju Sauna whenever you're in the Atlanta area and need some rest and relaxation. It's one of the best bath houses I've been to.) I got to rest and clear my mind. I meditated, read, ate, slept, spent hours between the wet sauna and the healing rooms. And got to share in this healing experience with my friend. He needed it and so did I. One of the things I promised myself on this trip was to embrace all of my experiences with joy and ease, and I'm happy to say that I am. When I made that promise I began to look forward to what was to come. 

Since I landed in Atlanta on Tuesday morning my pace hasn't slowed down. I picked up my rental car and headed straight for brunch. The two little crackers on the plane were barely noticed by my grumbling tummy and I was hungry from not eating breakfast. I headed to R.Thomas (one of my usual spots) but then decided to take a detour and try something new, I'm glad I did. I ended up at Flying Biscuits and fell instantly in love with the place and their food. Have you eaten there before? Their biscuits are to die for. For as long as they've been in Atlanta this was my first time. Ever notice how much you try different things in a city you've lived in for years when you go back to visit? Happens to me all the time.

I found a small table for two and decided to get comfy there. The midtown location is a bit small and cozy, the tables are close together so unfortunately everyone's conversation became a part of my own. I plugged my ears with my headphones and dived into my new read. You wouldn't believe how happy I was when the mail came the day before I left Orlando and my new book arrived. I was thrilled. I had ordered it a little over a week and was checking my box everyday since. So, with a new book in hand and a new place to dine in, I began my adventure back in the streets of Atlanta. 

I'm here alone this time, no kids and no Husband. I'm still in a bit of shock and still a bit lonely at night but enjoying the experience thoroughly. I asked for this experience, and I got it. I asked myself to stretch beyond the familiar. I asked myself to stretch beyond my comfort and create engaging, life changing experiences. I don't know if you remember me sharing with you my "word" for this year. If not, you can read about it here. My word is "engage". I promised myself that I would begin my traveling adventures, by myself, on an air plane, this year, and engage with the world. Well, I've begun, and this is truly the beginning of fulfilling the wanderlust within me. 

What experiences have you been focused on creating for yourself? Is traveling a part of those experiences for you? Do you have a wanderlust in you who is waiting to come out and play? When you actually see yourself having those experiences do you celebrate and make room for more? 

The theme that is playing over and over in my head these days is, "Do it now!". "No more waiting, no more excuses, no more sitting by and watching life happen. It is to begin now, right where you are, creating the life you desire to live." 

I hope you feel encouraged to begin living your life in the way you desire. I hope you will put aside all the, "maybe's, I think so's, possibly's, and begin today. You only have one life to live, you might as well live it to your fullest. 

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  1. I wish I were you. A moment alone is much needed for me

  2. THIS. All of this. I'm also in my year of wanderlust. Next month, I'll be in ATL for Mom 2.0 and hopefully Tbex, a travel conference, in June. I'm taking my blogging to the next level to suit the lifestyle I've been craving.


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