National, I Want You To Be Happy Day! What bring’s happiness to your life?

Reading a good book is one of the things that brings happiness to my life. If you know me by now you know this about me. It brings me pleasure beyond measure. 

Before I'm finished reading a book I always know which book I'm going to read next. I always have at least two to three lined up and ready to go. I used to try and read multiple books at once, but it never works for me. It's too much of a distraction and plus I like to give the book I'm reading my undivided attention.  

I use Goodreads to keep myself organized and set my reading goals every year. This year my goal is only ten. I've already read Four. Someone may need to reconsider their goals, ya think? Are you on Goodreads? If so, let's connect, shall we? Just click on the link ^^^ and it'll take you to my profile.

I'm excited about some of the reads I have lined up this year because they are all books written by my friends online. These beautiful people I've either meet through blogging, Twitter, Instagram, and or Facebook. I'm looking forward to supporting them and enjoying their work.

As time goes on I'll be sharing their books with you. Hopefully you'll be encouraged to add one or all of them to your reading list. 

What brings happiness to your life? Do share, I'd love to know.

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  1. Writing and my granddaughter. I am amazed by her pure beauty, joy & playfulness. She is energetic and fun. Writing is simply fun. I really like entertaining and informing, and if I touch, help or make someone smile it's worth it.

    Reading used to be at the top of my list, but it's third or fourth. I am determined to read all the books I have. I don't think simultaneous reading works for me either. I never thought to use GoodReads to organize my reading schedule. Cool post.


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