Honoring the Wild Woman Within

Wild. Excited. Expressive. Fluid. Sexual. Full. Open. Exhale. Smile. Laugh out loud. Flowing. On fire. Beloved. Moist. Engaging. Powerful. Within myself. Free. Woman. Beautiful. Glowing. Magic. Whole. Accepting. Bold. Wise. Feeling deeply. Dark. Light. 

Words that express my feelings that night as he took pictures of me under the moonlight. I was full of myself. Fully expressive of myself. Whole within myself. Joyful, playful as Goddess Bast led me to be. These moments keep me alive and well, happy and enjoying myself. Loving my life and sharing that love with others. 

I dance my life for myself. I am whole. I am complete. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I dance the dark and the light, the conscious and the unconscious, the sane and the insane, and I speak from myself authentically, with total conviction, without regard for how I might look. All the parts of myself flow into the whole, all my divergent selves unite as one. I listen to what needs to be heard. I never make excuses. I feel my feelings deeply and profoundly. I never hide. I live my sexuality to please myself and pleasure others. I express it as it needs to be expressed from the core of myself, from the wholeness of my dance. 
I am female.
I am sexual.
I am power.
~ Goddess Lilith 

Whispers From My Soul (TM) ~ It's important to honor the wild, playful, sexual woman within. We are multifaceted, it's important to fully express all aspects of who we are in order to conjure wholeness within. Be encouraged wise woman.

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  1. Full of myself. Yes. That's how I want to feel.

  2. Don't we all, Alisha.


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