The View From My Lens

Moments captured through my lens...are perfect. Everything about it is perfect. The feelings from holding my camera, to focusing, to steadying, to snap & click.

Ever find yourself in moments like these, perfect?

We drove around, just me and him, and shared perfect moments that will be remembered. I like capturing shots while riding around in a moving vehicle. Some come out blurry, some a little uneven and that's what makes them perfect. This is what photography does - gives you moments that last forever.

Hope you enjoy sharing in these few moments captured with me...

Through my eyes I share the beauty of our world with you.


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  1. What a great photo series! This is why I often wish that I lived in a city: you never l lack for interesting scenery. If I took a bunch of pictures out the window, you'd mostly see trees.

  2. Cool shots Lisa! It made me feel as if I was on a trip! You have a keen eye for detail & beauty.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I know what you mean Christy. For years I lived in predominantly suburban areas until recently and the experience has been everything I desired it to be. The city has so much going on and if the people don't give me something to focus on there are always those beautiful skyscrapers.

  4. Thanks Melvin! That's the feeling I was hoping for and you let me know that I got it. I wanted my readers to feel as if they were traveling with us. That makes it more real, more engaging. I definitely have to increase my practice. Although I feel good about these shots I want to feel great. It's a growing process. :-)

  5. Love this, Lisa! I'm living in the Netherlands right now (due to my hubby's job) and just recently started getting "more serious" about photographing what we see on a daily basis. This post gives me some great inspiration to keep going!

    We're in the same SITS tribe this week - looking forward to getting to (virtually) know you in the coming days!

    Keep up your great work :)

  6. Lisa, I love your pictures, and what a cool idea (life through my lense). We're in the same SITS Tribe this nice to meet you :)

  7. Hi Lisa! Stopping by from our SITS tribe. These pictures are gorgeous! Where do you live? Love all of the detail in the scenes/scapes you chose. I'm actually starting a #nofilter photo journal for Wednesdays to improve my photography. Love how you captured your day in your shots! I look forward to connecting this week!


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