Staying Open

*I began writing this blog entry months ago. My fear stopped me from completing it. I now had the courage to complete and release it. I hope it brings you closure like it did for me. I hope it inspires you to live more freely.

I told him, I allowed the world to make me hard. After I said those words I felt a bit of elevation in my spirit. Not enough to feel completely better but just enough to feel better in the moment.

He allowed me to speak while he did nothing but listen. I needed this. 

My words flowed like running water. He became a bucket for me to pour them into. He contained all of me. His listening ear became my refuge. I felt safe to continue. 

I told him that I was struggling with being open with people like I want to be. I told him that I feel a burning within me to share but my reasons not to take over. I told him that I felt shame around this. I thought that I was better than this. I thought that I had overcome this some time ago. He listened. I told him that one of the reasons I stopped being so open was because people were not giving me that in return. I felt exposed, too vulnerable, both exceptionally difficult feelings to overcome. So I chose to protect and withdraw myself. He listened some more.

(The idea of brewing a pot of tea and hiding from the world while I sipped and wrote in my journal became much more appealing to me.)

Here's how I justified withdrawing:

- People will use what I share against me. 
- People will misunderstand me and judge me.
- People will try to take advantage of me. (This one was huge for me.)

I didn't realize how much of my decision to share openly was tied up in other people and what they thought about me. This was my "Ah-Ha" moment. 

My entire life has been lived through the eyes of other peoples response to me. I was who I was and did what I did as a result of what I would get or wouldn't get from people. As a child those people were mainly my parents and as an adult my parents became my husband, friends, and associates. It's called, "the art of people pleasing". 

I became angry. I hated the thought of being controlled by peoples opinions of me. I withdrew myself and thought I was punishing them. I convinced myself that that worked for me. That I was somehow punishing my "oppressors" when in truth I was punishing myself. I was hurting. My anger hurt me more than anyone else. My heart became hardened towards the world and I couldn't stand how that felt. It felt so unnatural. I had to make continued decisions to be that way. All in the name of protecting myself against the thoughts of others.

Fast forward. Here's what I've learned and discovered about myself since then...

What I truly desired was to feel safe and open at the same time. I wanted to feel moist, soft, sensual, open, warm, sweet and loving. These things come natural to me. I convinced myself that being this way wasn't good enough. I denied my true self because I thought it made me seem weak, unproductive, and not to be taken seriously.

Truth is the world didn't make me hard, I did. 

I thought that I wasn't good enough just the way I was. I felt like I had to become so serious and about business all of the time. An example of how this played out online was my decision to stop taking "selfies". I thought that taking "selfies" made me look like I was a self-centered little girl. Even though I enjoyed taking them I stopped because of how I thought it made me look. That's just ridiculous. If I like it, if it brings me pleasure then it's the best thing for me. Selfies are the bomb, lol!
I rarely made time to play. I missed playing and laughing and giggling and feeling lite. I became so serious. I felt that I had to prove that I wasn't a girl who played all the time and who got work done. I stopped flirting with life. I stopped flirting with others. 

Here's what I didn't see: 
I didn't see and appreciate the fact that I was getting work done. I was working and growing and building and down to business and at the same time having fun. I was freer and flowed in my truth. One of the major components that make me who I am is my sensuality. I turned my back on my sensuality. I felt that locking it up neatly into a little cage would present a better me, which others would take more seriously. I also did it because I thought it would make others more comfortable working with me. Well, I was wrong. Dead wrong! I shouldn't have allowed myself to think that way. I closed myself off from others and in turn closed myself off from me

Virginia Woolf said it best, "The eyes of others our prison; their thoughts our cages."

The area of my life affected the most by my decision to withdraw was my sensuality. I denied my pleasures. I closed myself off from my sensual desires to the point where I couldn't recognize what they were anymore. So I began my hunt to find them. I sought after pleasure like a wild woman. I focused on doing whatever brought me pleasure, joy, and bliss. I did whatever felt good and stopped caring what others thought about it.  

I have many conversations with women who struggle with this. Their fear of what others may think of them is greater than their desires to live their truth openly. If this is your struggle just know that you're not alone. If you would like to chat about this contact me

Do you find yourself denying your pleasures for the sake of others?

Remember what's more important is that you are good enough.

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  1. I can relate to this on soooooo many levels! I was trapped in a cage of perceived perfection for most of my life. Its only been in the past 3 years that I threw caution to the wind, fell in love, moved 2000 miles from home and started a new life with someone that loved me unconditionally that I finally escaped that mentality. It hasn't been perfect, I still struggle with pleasing everyone, but I also recognize that if I'm not happy at the end of the day, there really isn't much point to the struggle.

    Glad to connect through the SITS tribe and looking forward to getting to know you better :)

  2. Hi Jennifer! You are absolutely right. If you are not happy then what is the point? This is the question I ask myself in everything I'm involved in including relationships.
    I no longer try to force things to fit, or work.

    I'm happy that you made the decision to throw caution to the wind and find your freedom. That's inspiring!!

  3. Found you via the SITS group on FB. I love this post/awesome writing. xoxo

  4. Hi Shelly! I'm loving the connections I'm making with my SITS sisters.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your encouraging comment.

  5. I feel like you read my life and put it in this post. This is such confirmation for me. I am learning, evolving, and growing into RELEASING the need to people please. I must say that I didn't realize how much it was a part of me until I became a full time entrepreneur. I believe that formal education and the corporate American work force reinforces the "people pleaser" syndrome. By seeking to please, learning what others want, and succumbing to that we are "rewarded" with promotions and raises and acknowledgement. Before we know it, it becomes second nature for us and those of us who are good at it, become the most successful in traditional corporate settings. When it was time for me to be my own "boss" and make decisions for myself, I still found myself looking around for direction and supervision. I still found myself seeking approval, praise, and promotion. Being in this stage of my life has revealed so much to me about that tendency. I am learning to do what is my passion, follow my heart, and remain TRUE to my authenticity. It is a process, but I am committed to being me, even when it feels like a HUGE risk. What I have come to realize is that the biggest risk is losing myself. Thank you for this Lisa, this resonates in my soul.

    1. Ivy, I'm so happy for you. I had to take a moment and allow what you wrote to sink in. I hear so much passion, and self-love. Keep going. Thank you for sharing your heart with me and my readers. Your openness is sexxxy. ;-)

  6. Lisa,

    I just wrote a similar post. After reading A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, I wanted to open myself up. And for a few weeks, I did. But there was still something in the back of my mind that kept me from being open to EVERYTHING in my life. I know that was fear. So I retraced my steps and let go of that thing that was holding me back. And forgave myself for having to walk a little backwards in order to continue to proceed forward.

    I am committed to the process of approaching everything in love, with love. I thank you for sharing this with us, and know that testimonials like yours help us all reach higher, dream bigger, and open wider.


  7. Sis, this post was right on time...I'm shedding so much of what I used to be in an effort to uncover who I really desire to be...I too resonate with your words on people pleasing and putting myself in a "neat" little box to present to the world. No more though! I can no longer suppress the sensuality about me, the boldness, the eagerness to embrace this new me that is are really an inspiration, Beautiful One! Your words are the truth!! Thank you so much for sharing...

    1. The beautiful thing is, I see YOU my Sistar!! Your new blog, your book, your sensual presence online - I see it and I applaud it. You are being brave and bold. Keep going, love. Nothing has the power to stop you but you and that's NOT your desire. :-)

  8. Marvalus, you are right to know that it is fear and fear alone. Nothing else tries to stand in our way as much as fear. "I forgave myself for having to walk a little backwards in order to continue to proceed forward". This is everything!! I lit up when I read this. You are in control and forgiving yourself is the ultimate high. Let's do this!

  9. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I like these kinds of revelations, because they allow us to be our most authentic selves. People-pleasing is a slow death. Congratulations on resurrecting yourself!

    1. Thank you so much wlotus! I love these experiences and I'm ready for more. As painful and uncomfortable life can be at times it feels just as good when things like this happen.
      Thanks for commenting. I've enjoyed engaging with you on Google + so it would be wonderful to have that here as well.

  10. So many people are bound by other people...I know because I was there. I had allowed others to hurt me, then I turned around and hurt myself by speaking negative. But on today, I'm grateful to God that today I stand a free woman!! Yeah it hurt to get here but it caused me to grow up and I'm so much better now, than ever before! :-)


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