Fabulous Finds Friday #20 CafeMom

While browsing the web searching for some communities to join or rejoin I came across my old profile page from the very first online social networking site I joined. I was stoked! I lit up at the memories that flashed across my mind. I loved that site and the women I connected with intimately. Some really close friendships happened as a result of being there.

CafeMom is the site that got me started on the road to social networks. It was a life saver. During this time I had five young children, my husband was working long hours, and I hardly had any adult interaction. I felt alone on many days. I didn't have connections with the outside world like I wanted which left me feeling desperate for someone to talk to. I needed connection. I craved it. I needed to meet like minded women who understood what I was experiencing and was looking for a way to connect with each other. Staying at home with young children all day long can really impact your life in ways you are not prepared for - negatively and positively. I needed a place that would help me navigate my way through the ups and downs of raising little ones. CafeMom was that place.

I joined back in 2007 before Facebook or even Twitter was what they are today. And what made this network special to me was that it's geared towards women and mothers. Some days I just wanted to vent or just share my day. They listened and empathized which was exactly what I needed. 
I also started a group called, 'Picture Me Perfect' where we could share pictures of ourselves and our families. It was great. We had so much fun sharing and getting to know each other. 
If you choose to browse my profile that group is private so you won't be able to see the posts. But, my profile pictures and blog posts are public so you can enjoy those. 

CafeMom was the 'girls' hub. I could let my hair down and just be myself. To this day I'm still friends with some of the women I met and have had the privilege to watch their children grow well into their teenaged years.

This is why I chose finding my old CafeMom profile the 'Fabulous Finds Friday' choice this week.

I hope you enjoy!

What was your first online social network and are you still connected with people you met there? What was your experience like back then compared to your experience now?

Discover other Fabulous Finds Friday posts here.

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  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

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  2. Thanks Toni. Nice to meet you! Looking forward to working together. Let's do this!
    I'll stop by and take a look.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Can't imagine how you survived 5 kids! Wow! I'd be a puddle on the floor. lol. Just stopping by from the SITS group. As for my first big social network that helped me out - I used to belong to 6S. It was a writing site on ning that you wrote 6 sentence stories and posted. Very thankful for the writers I met there.

    1. Ha! Earlier on before I had a working system I was a puddle on the floor. Thankfully I'm no longer that puddle.
      6 sentence stories sound like fun! I'm inspired to do that on my on. Thank you!
      Glad to connect with you as well. :-)

  4. Hello - stopping by from the SITS tribe. About the only social network I've ever done is facebook which I'm mostly on to connect with far flung family. I did ICQ for a while about twelve years ago but never went much beyond chatting with my sister.

    1. Hi Jennifer! You're like so many folks who got started on Facebook and it's mostly for family as well. I never heard of ICQ but there are so many out there. I'm learning of new ones everyday.
      It's great to connect with you!

  5. Stopping by from SITS! 5 kids? wow! I'm in marketing so my first one was MySpace - ha! And I joined Facebook when it first opened up to non-college students.

    1. Nice! MySpace was the go to social network for so many people I know. I started one but never did much with it. I stuck with other sites including CafeMom.
      Nice connecting with you! Looking forward to our tribe!


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