Thank You 2013

Yes, really...Thank You.

Wow! What a year!

Sometimes I'm left speechless when I look back on this year. This year has been one of my best. It's been one of my family's best. It's been incredible! I'm so grateful.

So much has changed for me. I've grown in ways I didn't even think I could. I've watched my strength and my ability to believe in myself grow. I'm such a better woman because of this. My family and friends are better as well.

This year marked a year of notable change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm more grounded than ever. I've learned to revere my intuition. I've learned to listen. I've learned to slow down, stop if need be, and just simply listen. I go where I'm told to go, I do what I'm told to do and no longer question whether or not it's for me or against me.

This obeying has lead me to a place that this quote I found on Pinterest clearly describes:

This quote says it all. This is where I've yearned to be. I wanted to be at a place in my life that wouldn't require another's approval in order for me to live. This takes courage and a willingness to push past feelings of vulnerability, shame, and guilt. 

If you've been reading my blog you would know that I'm reading Brene Brown's book, "Daring Greatly". I'm still reading it. It's not a book I could have breezed through, although I was hoping I could.
I didn't meet my book goal for this year as a result of being tied up with this one but it's worth my time. It's worth the wait. Some books are just that way.

Here is another quote that spoke to me loudly via Pinterest: 

I appreciated this quote so much. I had been struggling with writing on this blog when I stumbled across it and it all made sense. I was able to see my way through. I thought that I was betraying my work as a blogger by blogging on my Tumblr blog instead of this one. After I read this quote I released the idea of having to stay loyal to this blog and forcing myself to stay. My Tumblr blog took off and as a result paved the way for me to open up and start writing here again. 
"Home is not a's a feeling."
The feeling that I got from my Tumblr blog felt like home and that's what was missing here. Being obedient to the Whispers From My Soul (TM) helped me to let go temporarily in order to find my way back.

Another book that has totally rocked and changed my world this year was, "Women Who Run With The Wolves". My life changed the moment I decided to read it late last year (2012). I didn't know that it would take me until around July of the next year to finish. I highly recommend it.

Love this quote as well:

And so it is.

So are you ready for the new year? Are you ready to come out from behind yourself and live, truly live the life that you've been desiring to live? You can do it. I believe in you. 

Remember these few things:

1. You are good enough.
2. You are good enough.
3. You are good enough.

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  1. Those are great quotes! Giving me new things to think about. BTW, I love that you are unschooling. It is a great way to live

  2. I'm glad you stopped by Christa. I enjoyed reading your blog this morning. I will be back to visit. Glad you liked the quotes, they give me life.


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