How I Got My Juices Flowing - A Writers Exhale

Over the past few weeks I've noticed that my writing has been stagnant. What I mean by this is, I've not been able to get the words out the way that I feel them moving around inside of me. I've been in this place quite a few times and I'm sure writers know what I'm talking about. I've got the words flowing inside of me and every time I sit down to write they get stuck along the way trying to find a way out. In short, this is referred to as "writers block". 

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” 
~ Maya Angelou

A few months ago my husband found a valuable tool that has helped both him and I to overcome the sometimes inevitable writers block. The tool that I'm referring to is called 750words. com, it has truly been a life saver.  

One day back in January of this year my husband and I were sitting across from each other in our home office working and that's when I noticed his fingers typing a mile a minute.  So I asked him what he was working on. I wanted some of that flowing kind of juice too. That's when he told me about 750words. He said it's a writing program that is used to help writers get back or stay on the writing flow. It's a place where you can dump all the extra weight that's holding you down from writing the things that you desire to really write but can't because the weight is causing a block. He also told me about the monthly challenges that you can become a part of that will definitely help you become better at your craft. 

The goal here is to write 750 words a day. 750 words a day to a serious writer is not a lot. Once I learned that Stepen King writes over 2000 words per day I set my goal there. He's just one of my inspirations for writing and when I learned this it sparked a challenge within me that I just had to achieve. I did. For about two and a half months straight I was writing close to 2000 words per day and I saw how much my writing skill flourished. 

Work to perfect your craft. Don't stop just because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to. Keep moving forward. @LisaRCharles 

The moral of this story is to use whatever tool you need to use in order to help you master your craft. Whatever it is that sparks your juices and gets you flowing in the direction you know your heart is beckoning you to flow. Use it, stay diligent about it, don't allow anything to stop you. Distractions come and go, they are a given but you don't have to allow them to stop you. If you've realized things have gone awry do what you need to do in order to get back focused again. It happens to the best.

Writers, what are some rituals or tools you use to help you stay or get back into your writing flowing? 

You can check out 750words here.  

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  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Great post! I haven't ever check out but I will. What I tend to do sounds somewhat similar...if I can't seem to get in the groove of writing, I just type random stuff that is on my mind...releasing it all. Usually out of those rambling messes I find inspiration and a new blog post.

  2. Exactly Toni. Brain dumping really works. I hope you enjoy what 750 has to offer. Let me know.


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