Pouring My Sweet Juices Onto My Daughters & Sons

Training our daughters to embrace, love, honor, protect, the Goddesses that they are will result in the healing, nurturing, uplifting, of the men, women, and children of our world. We must invoke the courage and awareness to stand up to the negative messages our world constantly sends them of their self-worth by measure of how pretty they are or not, how unacceptable they are because of their waistline size, how who they are is somehow not good enough. When we as mothers, women realize we are Queens, the ball game changes. No longer will we allow anyone to define us by anything other than who we know ourselves to be. This realization also effects our men because, when a woman recognizes she is, Queen, the men / man in her life will recognize that they are, King. This conversation is an ongoing one that I have with my daughters and sons for that matter, because my sons must recognize the magnificence of a woman, especially when that woman doesn't recognize it for herself.

(Click the link to see more pics from one of our homeschooling days at the lake.)

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  1. This resonates deeply with me. We have such powerful roles as women, and the recognition of that only betters the lives of our babies and our partners. I agree wholeheartedly with your beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing it, and those photos...lovely!

    1. Execumama ~ my pleasure and, thank you :)


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