What the Heck is #RiseToShine?

I live to inspire, motivate, mobilize, encourage, and uplift others. I've always been this way. It's in my blood. This drives me to get up every day and do what I do but, it's not always easy. A motivator needs to be a strong self-motivator. This is one of the reasons I created rise to shine posts on my social media networks.

What is #risetoshine, you ask? I'd be happy to tell you.

Rise to shine are a series of picture posts that I started posting on Instagram every morning, or at least by midday, that has some kind of motivational message attached to them. These posts have been inspiring me, tremendously, and my hope was that it would inspire others as well.

The responses have been wonderful.
I'm so appreciative  of them. 
You guys help me to keep going. I get up because I know someone is waiting to hear from me. I get up because I know that today may be the day I save someones life. This is truly a blessing. 

Click on the link right under these words to see some of the picture posts I've shared. 

Rise to shine, it's going to be an amazing day. Remember, you have the power to create it. Let's do this. 

#Risetoshine Look for the miracles in your life today, they're happening all the time, all around you, and give thanks. It's a #newday #the26thaffair

 #risetoshine on this beautiful #newday day. What do you want to create for yourself today? Take a moment and visualize what you desire what it would look like. Whatever it is, you are in control, you have the power to create and manifest it. Have an amazing day, loves.

Rise to shine, my King and I. #newday #risetoshine #the26thaffair #thetwoofus

Beautiful morning to you, loves. As you go through your day remember that no matter what comes your way you are in control. You get to decide how you want to respond. No circumstance or person is in control of you. That's freedom. That's living according to your freedom of choice. Choose wisely for yourself. #risetoshine #newday #nature #trees #beautiful #scenary

Started my day with sensual meditation. #risetoshine #meditation #kundalini #yoga #energy #newday

What gets you out of bed in the morning? What inspires you to keep going? 

If you're on Instagram lets connect.

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