An Excerpt From 'Whispers From My Soul'

Holding on to this anger has turned into blame, blame has turned me into a victim. 
I wanted him in my life. I asked for that experience in order to land me where I am today.
If I can accept this then I will no longer need to hold on to the experience to justify my pain. 
I will no longer be a victim of my past.
I will no longer be stuck in an experience I left because it was toxic.
I will no longer experience the shame of having put myself through such pain. I will no longer feel the shame for not making a better decision to not get into the relationship.

I came out better even though it took an entire year of my life. I came out stronger, wiser, and knowing the difference between what I wanted and what I didn't want. 
Because I can look at this experience as one that helped me I can stop bringing the pain of it into my current relationship. I can stop holding my current partner responsible for the actions of my last partner.

I shamed myself into blaming myself. I began to feel guilty for causing so much pain... 

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