Writing Don't Stop - How Journaling Saved Me

During those months of me being away I would not have made it without this tool right here. Journaling saved me. It helped me through some dark days and nights. When I couldn't make sense of the words that were trying to come through me I just scribbled them down in the order they came out. If you were to read some of the pages in my journal it wouldn't make sense to you but they would to me. I see it as a canvas of chaotic beauty. Words that leap from here to there, upside down, around in perfect circles, and some that are even backwards. Perfectly insane sense. 

There were days that I sat in silence with no agenda at all in site. The tears that I shed were endless. I was in the beginning stages of finding my way back home. And all I could do was allow the process to take place no matter how much it hurt to do so. In the stillness I found my healing. I found my soul-self. 

Do you journal? For how long have you been a "journaler"? I started my first one when I was in junior high school. It was one of my best kept secrets.

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