Allowing Others To Be Who They Are

(A beautiful swan I stumbled upon while it was sleeping. Others were around it and moving in the same direction but this one wanted to be left alone to do what it wanted to do.) 

Allowing others to be who they are even if it's hurting you is quit the feat to endure but there is freedom in that. Freedom for you, mostly.

As we humans go through life we meet many others along the way. We attach ourselves to some, leave some alone, and mingle with some as well. During the many encounters things will happen that will cause unpleasant shifts in the relating and when it does the best thing you can do for yourself is, one: know your boundaries and stick to them. Two: allow others their space to be who they want to be, need to be in the moment. If their decision makes the situation a bit more unpleasant allow that to be okay with you. If their decision makes the situation feel the same or somewhat better allow that to be okay as well. The only thing that you can control in situations, when relating to others is yourself and how you choose to react. The same courtesy you would want from another is the same courtesy you should give in return. 

This is something I'm putting into practice on a regular basis and helping my children to do the same. My oldest daughter inspired this post per a conversation we had this morning. Allowing others to be who they are especially when they are a loved one, someone you are close to, or someone you are developing a relationship with is not always easy to do. The emotions that are involved can add a tremendous amount of weight and strain to the relationship. One of the easiest ways to react is to react negatively because some how you "feel" you have a right to. But, its quite the contrary, really. The moment is truly calling for you to become your best self. It is stretching you beyond a comfortable place in order to grow into a better you which is ultimately what you want. So that the next time a situation comes around where you are being asked to allow someone to be who they are it will be easier to do.

Take a deep breath, release, and let go. You can do this. Peace and Love.

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