A Sexually Satisfied Woman

Sexually charged, sexually fulfilled, sexually satisfied!
How can you tell if your woman is that kind of gal? What do sexually satisfied women look like, smell like, taste like, feel like? What do sexually satisfied women have in common? Wouldn’t you like to know?
Sexually satisfied women have many things in common and one of those things is that they are happy with their sex lives. They are satisfied with their needs being met, satisfied with their self-expression, their pleasure, all that good stuff.
How do you spot a sexually satisfied woman? It really isn’t hard to tell.


She’s a woman who has no problem smiling. Smiling to her is a daily thing just like checking Facebook is for some. Sexually satisfied women also know they got it going on and enjoy this knowledge thoroughly. She finds the simplest things in life to be so profound. She seeks pleasure like its treasure. She enjoys making love several times a week with someone or by herself. 

She loves to receive compliments and can’t seem to get enough. If a sexually satisfied woman knows she’s going to receive compliments she see’s them coming from a mile away and is ready and armed with a smile. She loves attention. She loves to adorn her body with scents and smells that will drive you crazy, that drive her crazy. She’s not hard to please. She loves her body no matter what size she is and she’s not disillusioned about the tricks that airbrushing and Photoshop can do.

A sexually satisfied woman knows when it’s time to take time for herself. She listen’s to her body and knows what she needs. She’s no stranger to the power of a nap, a Queen needs her rest. Her energy has to always be up so that she can do what she does for all she does for. Cranky women don’t look good and don’t give off good energy. Sexually satisfied women always look good and always give off good energy. She’s knows she’s much more valuable to others that way.


She’s connected. Emotionally, mentally, physically, she is there. Her sexual experiences are fun, exciting and thoroughly stimulating because she shows up and is present the whole time. She’s uninhibited and unafraid to bring it. She conjures up delight for her and her partner, never waiting for what she wants. She orchestrates every movement, touch, and emotion. It’s hers, and she knows it and, she owns it. 

A satisfied woman will always, always tell you like it is. She will always tell you how she likes it. Trust me you won’t have to second guess yourself because her full self-expression is part of the package. You can ask her anything and she’ll tell you the truth. She’s not concerned about bruising your ego, her goal is to teach you how to DIY. It’s about satisfaction and if you want to know how well you’re doing (her), then she must be able to tell you. The truth will help you to unlock your women’s deepest pleasure and desires. You will unleash the wild woman who will take you for the best ride(s) of your life. Allow her self-expression to be your best-friend.


A sexually satisfied women knows that size does not matter, it really doesn’t. If you ever have the privilege of being with a sexually satisfied woman and experience hours and hours of mouth watering sensual bliss, you’ll be convinced that it doesn’t matter what size you are. She will create pleasure for you and her that go far beyond the boundaries that the eye can see. She knows how to enjoy any size; big, small, medium, short, long, chubby, it does not matter! Have you ever turned down a meal because of its size when you were hungry? Of courser not! The smell alone satisfies you way before you ever take your first bite. Which brings me to my conclusion, sexually satisfied women are hungry and will never stop seeking after that which will satisfy their desire.

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