Somewhere between fall and winter

The days and nights are getting colder. Oh, how I'm wishing to be somewhere warm and cozy like my good friend who's in the Islands right now.

I used to love the colder months and anticipate their arrival but as of a few years ago that all started to change, and I owe it all to my darling Husband. He loves the warmer weather and if he had it his way we would be living in a warmer climate part of the world where it never drops below 70 degrees. I wouldn't actually mind because I can always hop on a plane whenever I'm missing the winter solstice time of year. I also love to fly so that's a two in one for me.

On to the matters at hand. As you all may know by now I've decided to make my blog private and drop all of my online social activity. Since doing so I've found myself experiencing all kinds of mixed emotions, some I didn't foresee. I didn't realize how addicted I was to the attention and accolades, and the need to be recognized by others. I didn't realize how much I did in order to receive these things either. I didn't realize how much of my LIFE and the life of my family was being controlled by my need to have this. I didn't realize that sometimes my family didn't recognize me and how they yearned for me to realize this. I didn't realize that I had lost focus as to why I was even doing this and how it became more important than the things that should have been important.

I'm going to end here and pick back up when I have more time. I have to get back to my studies, which I put down for way too long. There is a way to have all that I desire and feel that I should have without the expense of myself and my loved ones. I'm determined to find that way.

Taking My Life Back!

I Love You, Friends. 

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