Bath Time Therapy

Do you remember what your bubble baths were like growing up? I do. Lot's of laughing, splashing, wet floors, and shriveled up fingers and toes. Those are truly sweet memories for me.

Today, this is what my bubble baths look like...well, not quite. Mine look like everything in this picture except the wine bottle and tray. The candles, glass of wine, fruit and suds definitely me. Baths help me to relax and retreat into my quite space. This is how I get away while not actually "getting away" and this was exactly how I spent a bit of my birthday yesterday. I was in heaven.

How do you spend your time relaxing, unwinding, and "getting away"?

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  1. Happy Birthday! I recently found baths to be my relaxing getaway that is until the kids come banging on the door lol. I hope you had a great birthday.

  2. Thanks, Haute Mommy! I had a fantastic day!! So much outpouring of love from family and friends. Made me grateful for having THE best of people in my life!!


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