Who Needs A Mirror When I've Got You?

I attract a lot of knuckle heads! There I said it. Let me take a deep breath before I continue.

Okay, I may need to OM before I move on.

I'm ready.

Lately, I feel like I've been attracting people who are a bit challenging to deal with. So i ask myself why? Why am I attracting such less than desirable people in my life? What am I missing? I feel like I'm missing something because I can't seem to shake them. Shake them as in, go away...PUHLEASE! Really that's the polite way of putting it. Y'all know what I really want to say, because we all been there. Dealing with people and we can't figure out why the heck they are in our lives!

I'm usually an easy going, easy to get along with kinda chic. I have my days, I'm not even going to lie. I'm not always that peachy, sweet, and rosy but for the most part I feel that I am. So why is it that I keep attracting these personalities into my precious space.

After a little digging, soul searching, looking into the mirror, I'm still lost. LOL. No, just joking. These people, these beautiful souls (I said that through my teeth mind you), are here in my life to serve as my reflection. They are reflecting me. Moi? Me? Sweet and innocent ME? YES, ME.
Deep breath...

This right here, is the truth we must all face. People exist in our lives as part of our greatest lessons in life. We have a role in creating all of the relationships that we are currently in for whatever reason. We should be grateful, don't you think? Yes, I do, however, it doesn't stop there. I've come to accept that these people are reflecting me, however, they represent a part of me that I no longer want in my life. The reason they keep coming back into my life, in all these different shapes, colors, and sizes is because I'm being given an opportunity to grow into more of the person I desire to be. Everyday I grow stronger, more aware, and more courageous. I no longer want them to go away. I want them to stay as long as I need them to in order to practice,  strengthen my muscles, and to master me.

So, I say thank you. Thank you to all the knuckle heads that I'm encountering in my life these days. Your contribution is NOT in vain.

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  1. I like your term "knuckle heads". Very true.

  2. Well said Lisa. I am going through similar tribulations personally and professionally. I am finding myself at square one over and over again. There has to be a deeper meaning.

    Thanks for this.

  3. Perfectly said. I agree. The people in your life are simply a reflection of you. We don't always get it right away but eventually it begins to make sense. Sometimes they are teaching us lessons that we have no clue we're being tested on.

    Miss Daja


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