It’s A Matter Of Life or Death!




I grew up thinking that Life was this BIG BAD WOLF to be afraid of. I believed that I needed to be afraid of it because if I didn’t it would SNAP my neck in two when I wasn’t looking. What a load of CROCK!! Yes, crock to be quite frank! I learned that Life was always going to be a good struggle, one that I could always count on to let me down. I grew up believing that I was always going to have to fight my way through, everything and everyone. I was conditioned to believe that I was always going to be broke and disgusted, and that Life was just not going to amount to anything else but a huge bowl of “sh*t on me”. What a miserable way of looking at Life.

Can you relate? Does this sound like familiar programming/conditioning that you experienced?

One of the best things that could have happened to me was realizing that this was my way of seeing/looking at Life and that I had the power to change my point of view. From that point on Life became a breath of fresh air and I despised being around people who still tried to convince me otherwise. I also began to recognized that I had a choice whether or not to continue to be in the company of people who chose such a negative view. It became clear that I truly believed this mess, couldn’t see another way, and if I didn’t actively do something about it my Life would be a living hell.

I can’t rejoice enough for coming into a brighter understanding of my Life because it gave me a new beginning, a fresh start, no matter what age I was. The first step for me was recognizing how that way of conditioning influenced my Life and appreciate what I would have to do in order to re-condition myself. I recognized the value, the work, and effort that it would take to re-condition myself into a better way of looking at my Life. It’s a daily, conscious effort that takes practice, practice, and more practice.

By no means am I upset or feel robbed of a Life lived with this horrible conditioning. How can I be? How can I be upset at something that was not consciously clear to me and to the others (before me) who were also conditioned with the same outlook? If anything, I am appreciative of it and can see how it controlled the minds, hearts, and lives of my loved ones. Of course it would be easy for me to sit here and throw a fit or a blame finger at someone but I would miss out on how I can use this conditioning as teaching examples for myself and my children. (One of the beautiful things about “unschooling” is that it encourages you to find examples in life, like this one, to turn into teaching moments/opportunities that will expose your children to alternative ways of looking at things). If I was presented an alternative way of approaching my Life, I certainly would have chosen one with a better outlook. At least, I would have had a choice.

Now that I do, I choose thoughts about Life that are hopeful and life giving. I choose thoughts that say, Life is what you make it, and everyday (no matter how I feel) I choose to make my Life one that I’m happy to live. I choose Life instead of death. I choose to  instill courage, joy, and a willingness to be proud of who I am as an example for my children. I choose the courage to continue to learn and enjoy my Life as I’m learning. I choose LIFE! What are you choosing today?



  1. Sooo that's what you meant by the term un-schooler. I had a idea, but thanks for offering clarity. I can dig it.

    I also began to recognized that I had a choice whether or not to continue to be in the company of people who chose such a negative view.

    Words of wisdom.

  2. I choose to make my Life one that I’m happy to live. I choose Life instead of death. I choose to instill courage, joy, and a willingness to be proud of who I am as an example for my children. I choose the courage to continue to learn and enjoy my Life as I’m learning. I choose LIFE!

    THESES are Words I live by and INSTILL IN OTHERS (Every Chance I Get...)

    What are you choosing today?

    I CHOOSE YOU Baby ***LMAO*** J/K

    But ENVIRONMENT Plays Way More of a Part towards ONE'S Thinking/Outlook than people Really Want TO ADMIT Though... And SOME aren't able to BREAK THAT CYCLE Either (Word)

    Truly LUV Your Spirit-n-Beauty Baby (You're SPECIAL!!!)

    Whaddup Though BRUH


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