How To Deal With Competition


There really isn't any need for negative competition when you realize there is enough of what you are competing for to go around. Think about it for a moment. What are some of the things you find yourself competing for? If you thought about it, you would realize that you don't have to compete for it because the lack of it is just an illusion. An illusion that you have created in order to satisfy your reasons to compete. For whatever reasons we come up with we will always find excuses to believe that it's real. Competition is only as real as you make it. 

So I ask again, what do you find yourself competing for? A fancier car? A more attractive lifestyle? A more attractive business? The way you style your hair? A more attractive relationship/family/friends? What? What's got you looking at another envying, judging, and wishing that you had what they had or better?

In this video I'm speaking directly to us Ladies about the unnecessary drive to compete and how it's just not worth it no matter what you tell yourself. 

The way to attain what you want is not by looking at someone else's grass but by paying attention to your own. Make sure you are keeping your grass regularly trimmed, groomed, weeded, watered, seeded, and loved. How's your grass looking these days? Have you neglected the care that it needs spending time daydreaming at the one next door? Remember this, while you're looking at someone else's grass someone else is looking at yours and wishing they could have what you have.

Now isn't that funny o_0

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  1. You are so right. It is so easy to get caught up with wanting to keep up with the Joneses, sad part is, paying attention to other folks lifestyles can distract you away from your own.

  2. Nellie so many of us "know" this to be true but find ourselves caught up in it anyway. When that happens, the best thing is to be grateful you recognize it, and choose to do better.
    Thanks for stopping by!


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