Me And My Boo

Last night I took a moment to stop, smell the roses, and breathe. I cuddled up on my couch with Hubby and watched two movies. Lately we have both been on the go so last night we decided that although we enjoy spending time doing things away from home, we also have a beautiful home that we'd like to enjoy just the same. On top of that I started feeling a little under the weather on Monday with a scratchy throat and sore muscles so the rest was much appreciated. He took this time to nurture me with a sweet foot massage and a yummy bowl of oranges, you girl was all smiles.

JCT Me and D
This picture was taken by our friend when we were out at a couples dinner party at JCT Kitchen & Bar. Have you been? The food is crazy delish!

peace sig


  1. Sometimes it's nice just to cuddle up at home instead of always being on the go. Hope you get to feeling better.

  2. Stacie ~ Thank you! I'm feeling better this morning. Being up and about is helping.

  3. You guys are just so cute! It's always good to slow down and take a rest.

  4. Looks like a great evening!

  5. Big smiles. Big hearts. Real love. I dig it!! Thank you for sharing. Feel better soon.

  6. Thanks Petula, Mrs. Pancakes, and Execumama!! We did have a good time resting and having fun with friends that evening. I am doing a lot better and taking it slow on my way to recovering fully. :-)

  7. Anonymous6:59 PM

    had me at "foot massage" haha

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Looks like a nice time.
    I think it is important to make time with our spouses. I am in need of a date night and hope to make it happen soon. ;)


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