New Soccer Mom Strikes OUT!

Like a Lioness protecting her cub...I pounced!

It was a ruff day at my kids soccer game today. Particularly my daughters. The Moms and Dads on her team take the game wayyyy toooo seriously for me. Last week I moved away from them and sat in my truck just to get some peace.

I understand very well the joy in cheering for your children during their games. When I was younger and my little brother played basketball I was the loudest person on the court, no lie. I was passionate and was driven by that passion to cheer endlessly for him. Ask my husband and he'll tell you that's one of the things he remembers about me. Every game you could count on me cheering my brothers team on. 

But, what happens when that same passion comes from parents who are all fired up and want their kid to win not matter what?...


I heard about it, and now, have experienced it for myself. 

The Ball - The Game...I Say Let Them PLAY!

What are you doing now? What are you saying now?? These are the questions that roll around in my head as I watch the parents frantically yelling at thier kids. I watch them moving up and down the side line and getting upset when things don't work out. LET THEM PLAY! If they make a mistake, let them learn from it by encouraging them to do better next round, NOT by badgerring them to the point of them getting upset. You wouldn't believe how many times I've seen these kids sulk on the field, hold their heads down, pout, and whine at their parents about how they tried to do it. It's disgusting to watch! I said to myself, until these parents can get out on the field, run back and forth, kicking a ball, and making goals they SHOULDN'T DEMAND of their kids to do it. They SHOULD positively support their children to do it. #IMJUSTSAYIN

My motherly instincts took over and I yelled out, in rage, stopped the game, and brought it ALL to a halt because I kept hearing my daughters name being called. I didn't know why and it didn't matter why! In that moment all I felt was PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT. I didn't want any of these parents saying anything to my child after seeing how they do their own kids. My daughter is here to have fun and that's OUR first priority...FUN FIRST! They are children for crying out-loud!

You will have a very difficult time getting the results you're looking for if you don't know how to enjoy what you are doing period! 

One of the parents started walking towards me, apparently to come and state his position. I met him halfway. We talked, hashed it out. I brought up my perspective, so did he. We left with a mutual understanding. He went back to assisting the coach and I starting thinking of ways to tell my daughter she wouldn't be playing soccer next season. 

I sent my husband a text to let him know what just went down and he was at the field in about 20 minutes. I didn't even know he was coming. He left work for this mess. Apparently what I said in my text sparked a reaction from my KING to come and stand his ground by my side. If our daughter wasn't enjoying herself so much I would have quit the game on the spot. It's was that serious to me.  

Our team didn't win one game last year. Their coach is a newbie - her second year. The parents are not fond of her coaching abilities and doesn't think she can get them to a win. Unfortunately the parents don't realize they are not helping and backing off a bit might get them what they want.  

Do your kids play sports and have you ever experienced sports-rage from other parents?
What has been your experience as a sports parent? 
Can you relate?

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  1. Lisa, this is so raw--thank you! I TOTALLY get what you mean, and I think it's important to ALWAYS pay attention to that maternal instinct we've been given. Sometimes, we'll need to stand down and let them learn to stand up for themselves, but other times (like the one you just wrote about!), we've GOT TO PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT--from overzealous parents, from society, from some of the people in our own circles, and mostly from anyone who tries to make our babies feel less than!!

    Lioness ROAR up in dis peace!!!

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    My son has done some beginner sports, learning the basics. And for the most part people are pretty mind. My husband is the one who has some high expectations at time. I wouldn't call it rage by any means, but don't be surprised if you don't see us sitting beside each other. I'm all like "just let me play and learn"... and occassionally occasionally coaching him. However neither of us would ever call out another child's name other than to cheer them on. At the end of the day its not worth it if the child isn't enjoying the sport.
    Glad you stood your ground. And my husband would have been there too if contacted. ;)

  3. OMG.....I am soooo proud of you! we just talked about this! It's about fun and learning! If you take that away from them what's the point! U are a BAD soccer mom!!! ;0

  4. Akilah ~ I did it without a thought as to how I would look or what they would think. She was the only one on my mind. Instinct to over and I followed my better judgement.

    Latorsha ~ I agree. At the end of the day it's not worth it if the child isn't enjoying the sport. It trips me out how many of these so called passionate parents miss practice which is a time to learn and practice without the pressures of winning.

    Camelia ~ Yes, this is what we talked about and now you see the full story. Thanks!


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