Creating Lasting Love Tip #7...The Massage

This Love Tip is one of my favorites so far, because of what it can mean for the both of you. Touch is a way to relax your partner, become engaged physically with your partner, get the Love Juices flowing between you and your partner, and it can be very non-intrusive, if that's what you want. 

Touch is also a way to show someone that you care about making them feel good, accepted, valued and loved. So often we can go through our busy lives passing one another, and never stop to think to ourselves, did I touch my partner today in a way that made them feel loved. 

In my video I briefly touched on some ways you can get the massage going - I want to go deeper into those tips for you here.

~ Oil
Massage oil is very important as it can enhance the (your) mood or stop the flow of things completely. There is nothing like laying down, all ready to be rubbed, and you get hit with a scent that's offensive to you. Not off to a good start at all. Make sure you two are using a mutually favorite scent, one that you could pour all over each other and delight in the scent all night. 
(If you need some recommendations send me an email:

~ Lights Down Low & Candles Well Lite
Set the mood, and turn off the lights (in my best Teddy Pendagrass impression LOL). Light some candles (scented or not) and watch the glow shimmer off each others body, creating a shiny delight right before your eyes - Yum Yum. So much can take place when the lights are low, candles are lit, oils are smelling good, and warm loving hands are involved to work some magic. Don't take my word for it, just go for it!

Creating Lasting Love Tip #7 The Massage

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  1. Very nice Lisa! I agree with you completely on the subject of massage. My husband has been so good at spontaneously giving me a massage that I am getting spoiled! I feel badly because I can't always return the favor with some neck/back problems I have been experiencing but I do what I can. I do try to start his day off by simply rubbing his feet to help him wake up each morning. It's a great way to get the blood flowing! xoxo

  2. My husband is bald and he loves it when I massage is head. The hubby loves touch and I have learned to freely express my affection for him through touch.

  3. awesome tips..i have to remember that one!

  4. You speak the truth.

    My woman and I believe in touching, rubbing, cuddling altogether during the watching of movies, shopping, cooking, or just spread out across the bed while having a conversation.

    It's intimate and it creates a secure feeling within myself (can't speak for her) that words cannot truly describe.

    While I'm not into her pouring oil over my body (I prefer a simple back rub) I have no problem giving her an all around body massage (mainly on weekends) using this oil called Master Massage that she purchases from CVS store.

    Okay, now that I've sat her and told all my business....let me add this is a great post. Lol.

    Very stimulating.


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