Finding Your Release Button

Ciao Bella!

I'm on the edge ya'll and writing to tell. What's happening beautiful beings of light?? I'm amazed at the vast movement of things happening in and through my life at the start of this new year. It's been quit a pleasurable experience and one that I've been sharing through my writing. 

Just the other day I shared on a call to some beautiful lady Goddesses two of the ways I help to release and let go all that's inside of me to make space for more.  One of those ways is to write. I write! I write in several places, this place being one of them, my first blog of almost 6 years! My Android EVO phone being another. My two (at this moment) hand written journals, and several online outlets. Ahhh, it feels so good to release!! 

Writing is what I describe as my way of mentally releasing. (I'm currently working on my first book!!) It helps me to empty my mind from all the thoughts that pass through me on a daily basis, not only from within but also from without. Which leads me to share some valuable steps I've been taken to improve my mental and emotional health. First, I made the decision sometime last year to become more aware and mindful of who I allow into my life with all of their emotional energy in tow and to be very unapologetic about it. (A position  Mrs. Corretta Scott King prided herself in having). Also, I would become mindful of what I allow to penetrate my life from all aspects, i.e the things I listen to, the things I read, watch and so on. I've put it into action with diligence and have seen some startling benefits and have watched some things/people that I held very high fall off by the way-side and take their influences with them. In some cases my expectations were just too high and I tried to draw blood from a turnip (as the saying goes). Writing is a high form of expression and creativity for me and allows my imagination to run wild which is a beautiful thing for me.

Now on to the next and most exciting way I release in all ways, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and that is through Orgasms. For a very long time, earlier on in our marriage, my wise husband would say to me "An Orgasm A Day Keeps The Anger Away"! When I shared this on the call all of us burst out with laughter that was felt in our entire bodies. For one, because we all knew deep down that it was true and two, it brought up personal memories of our own Orgasms, some memories as fresh as that day, yum!! I didn't take his advice about it so easily because that raging woman inside of me who was expressing anger just did not want to stop being angry or let go to have some 'ole Orgasm. I also blew it off as "things men would do" but Oh my, oh my was I sadly mistaken. Now, I live by that motto and with all my pleasure enjoy that remedy. As Women we carry so much, not necessarily by way of stressing or worrying, just by way of being a Woman. We have many, many different roles to play and fulfill, and many pulling at us to do so. Our containers can become so full and in desperate need of release that we just can't take it anymore and EXPLODE!!! What I'm saying is love yourself enough not to allow you to get to that point and take time to release. Find out what ways you like to release and add an Orgasm to that. Some of us like to buy things, some of us like to bake, read, go to the movies, smoke even. Do that because these are all helpful ways of release for us physically but our other bodies need releasing too. 
Go into a room and close the door physically and mentally, become quite in a safe place and and love on your body. Feel free to express love to yourself in this way and reap the benefits of what releasing through Orgasm can bring. Follow this link and read more on my views and that of another beautiful light on our perspective on Orgasms
Also, if you need any help in this area, because I understand it can be difficult and some what scary to do send me an email and let's chat about it. 

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  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I love that you speak so freely about a topic some think of as taboo. I know that it is something that I wish more women would talk about more because I think we would explore this way of "release" more often. And just maybe keep the anger away. ;)

  2. I love this an i am so for it! Awesome!

  3. I agree with Optimistic Mom.

    Some bloggers find it difficult to speak on taboo topics because they are attempting to "brand" themselves. However, companies look for authenticity and it's definitely found over here at Lisa Writes.

  4. i love this...because i couldn't agree with you more.

  5. This is a fantastic post. I realized, while reading your post, that my release button is reading!!! I read my bible and I read for entertainment. It just allows my mind to destress and creates a welcome retreat. Good luck writing your book. I have one I started but my projects are just too many right now.

  6. Optimistic Mom ~ :-) There are many women that I've been privileged to know who speak about this freely and comfortably. You have to be willing to leave mainstream to find them but we are out here.
    I understand the difficulty in exploring this topic and make a way for women to talk about it with me.

    Mizrepresent ~ Thank you, especially coming from a sensual Goddess yourself.

    Dr. Reginia ~ That's a very interesting point you make there. I completely agree with you and it was part of a struggle for me for some time. One thing has remained for sure, I've always stuck to who I am. I write about what I am, what comes from me and can't help it. I no longer fight that fight and have set myself free. Thank you.

    Mrs. Pancakes ~ That makes me smile coming from you.

    Shanequa ~ I can tell you are a reader and it's one of the reasons I was drawn to you and your blog. If that book is what you really want, those projects can wait, they can.

  7. Love yourself to PLEASURE....yes!

  8. Ivy ~ Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm oozing with my love that is poured all over me, created by me, especially and exclusively for me. Loving ourselves is as important as the air we need to breathe!

  9. I completely agree with you on this one Lisa! I guess you can say I keep releasing to the fullest! xo

  10. Shelly ~ Now why am I not surprised :-) It's written all over you. You are truly one woman who knows how to love on herself and in turn give that love to others. I'm rocking on with you!! Mwah Shelly


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