Do You Know What Today Is?...


My 6th year Blog Anniversary!! 

Here are a few reasons why I'm glad I started this blog...

  • The people I've met
Their support. Their inspiration. Their motivation. Their courage. Their hopes and dreams. Their successes. Their wisdom. Their stories. Their honesty. Their presence. Their comments. Their Friendship.
  • A place to get naked and vulnerable with you. 
Even though being naked and vulnerable doesn't always "feel" safe, it still brings a satisfying feeling knowing that when I'm naked and vulnerable it helps you to be that way too. My first thoughts about blogging were, who would want to do that? Who talks about their life openly and completely unashamed, naked, so the world can see? Those thoughts have been put to bed a long time ago and seeing what it feels like to be on the other side is like water to my thirst. There is wisdom in sharing and being open to the world, not only is it healing to me but for you as well.
  • I can go back through my archives and read things I've written years ago and smile at my accomplishments, laugh at some of my embarrassing moments, and be encouraged by my inspirations. 
Building a blog is a lot like building your life. It takes time and effort to create what you want and desire. I've accomplished many things I wanted to accomplish through this blog and can sit back and smile at the feeling that brings. I've written some posts that I've wanted to take down completely because of the embarrassing feeling I get reading it but I decide not to. What I look at as embarrassing could be a blessing to someone else and I leave it at that. And I'm always inspired by my creation and appreciate myself even more. 
  • Through the years I've created a space for lovers to be inspired and strengthen their love for one another by opening up and trying new things. 
I'm a Lover. I'm born this way and will be this way until the day I leave this world. I'm a Lover and will continue to help others bring out the Lover in them. The world needs more Lovers and someones gotta help bring them out and unleash that dragon, ha! I'm up for the challenge that's for sure. I love assisting couples create open and honest communication through unconditional love. 
  • My blog encourages me to keep growing.
My blogging journey hasn't always been easy sailing for me. I've walked away from it many times and wanted to give up completely. But I can't. I cannot give up on you. So I push past those times of difficulty through re-grouping, re-organizing, and digging deeper into why I do what I do. Why I blog. 
  • For My Children
My children honor my love for sharing, writing, and glowing in what brings me enjoyment. My oldest daughter has learned so much through reading my posts and will continue to learn, grow, glow and be inspired. She's thanked me at different times for writing what I did and how it's helped her to see a different perspective. There are times when I blog more than others and when those times are here my kids see me writing and will leave me be. That's their way of showing support.
  • For My Husband
He observes me even more through my blog. He sees my growth. He experiences my pain to grow even more and supports me through it. He has helped me build this site to where it is today. He has dedicated many hours of learning HTML and different codes to make it better and sometimes pulling all niter's to see a project through. He was even a contributor at one point which I'm extremely grateful for. I love knowing he reads my work and will at times text me a high five for something I've written that moved him deeply. I'm blessed to have his support.

There is still more life in Lisa C Writes. As I move closer to my core, to revealing more of who I am, to embracing myself as I continue grow, I will share those moments, times, and journey with you. My continued hope is that you will be blessed, enriched, and inspired to grow as well. I may write things/post things that will challenge your beliefs and/or cause you to become uncomfortable - that's o.k, no one has ever gone wrong from questioning why they do what they do. Just know that it's all coming from me to you in love. I  also hope to strengthen and encourage you to blossom and grow into all that you aspire to be. Thank you for being with me through my online journey. 


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  1. Happy Blogaversary! Keep it going. I love reading what Lisa C writes.....

  2. happy anniversary lisa!!!! it's a wonderful blog...just like u!!! ;)

  3. Mama Violet ~ Thanks for reading my blog and adding to it by leaving your thoughtful comments. I'm glad to have met you through the blogosphere. You are certainly one of those I spoke about in the beginning of this post :-)

    Camelia ~ Thank you for your sweet comments, as sweet as you ;-)

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Happy Anniversary! :)

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Happy Anniversary! I love that your family supports your blog journey so well. So glad to have connected in blog land. I enjoy reading via email and comment when I can.

  6. Happy Anniversary and wishing you more and more sis! They say that blogging is dead, but i never listen to what "they say!" Keep them coming!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love how blogging relaxes me and that I'm able to connect to like minded people so easily.

  8. Happy belated Anniversary babe!!!

  9. Happy Anniversary Beautiful!

  10. Congratulations on your blogaversary. It is funny looking back and seeing how far you've come. I'm glad to be getting back into the blogging world. Keep up the great work and it's been a joy getting to meet you and follow/stalk you. HUGS

  11. Awww....CONGRATS! I've also met so many people through my blog. I think I'm gonna start to look back through my blog to see how far I've come as well. Thanks for making a much needed impact in this blogosphere ;-)

  12. My first thoughts about blogging were, who would want to do that? Who talks about their life openly and completely unashamed, naked, so the world can see?

    My sentiments, exactly, when I first began blogging. It was initially at the urging of a book publisher, yet I had zero interest until the interaction and learning began.

    Although I force myself nowadays to write a post and not allow my blog to sit idle for too long, I can honestly say that I've enjoyed the 2 years I've given of myself.

    Many, for the same reasons listed.

    Happy Blog Anniversary.

  13. i had no idea you have been writing for so long...congrats lady. That's exciting...many more years to come!

  14. Happy Anniversary! I can relate to so much of what you said. This is such a great blog. Looking forward to reading more. I was looking for the GFC button to follow you...

  15. "Where have you been all my life?"

    I really appreciate you.



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