Word{ful} Wednesday #58

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  1. she was just gorgeous!

  2. Camelia ~ Thanks!

    Mrs. Pancakes ~ Yes she was and quite the dazzler I might add. A true Goddess in her own right.

  3. Truer words. Are they by Marilyn? Very nice blog you have here :)

  4. Custom Gift Cards ~ Not certain about that but from what I've learned about her and her time it wouldn't be hard to believe. It's always a pleasure seeing new visitors...welcome :-)

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Love this! And it is so true!!

  6. This is so true!!! I dont think people understands this!

  7. Optimistic Mom and Mally ~ It starts with compassion. Compassion, if present while dealing with people, can help you to appreciate all of them, as a whole. Thereby accepting all of them, even their short comings. All those things that get on your nerves about a person. All those things that you wish you could change so that you can be comfortable. If you can push past wanting to change a person you would realize that those very things that get on your nerves about them also shows up in you in some form or another.


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