Ouch!...Who Put That There?

Sometimes when things happen in ways that are not favorable, it's just a reminder that we are human ~ Lisa C

I hit my toe when I got out of bed this morning. Not literally, but it hurt like hell just the same. My attachment to something going the way I wanted it to go was lying on the floor next to my bed and when I got up...bam! Damn!! I spent all day thinking about how I reacted and wish I could have retracted my reaction. The best that I could offer to myself is to accept it, feel it, allow it, learn from it, and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. 

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  1. Very true. I have done things that I have regretted because I was experiencing pain.

  2. As you said, we are all human! All we can do is hope to get better as life progresses

  3. JenJen ~ No regrets, just appreciation for the lessons. Pain isn't necessarily an indication of something "bad" but a necessary tool for growing; such as growing pains or pain during delivery. Pain that's just part of the process helps to strengthen us.

  4. Sincerely Mally ~ Yes, "hope to get better as life progresses" and the courage to do so.

  5. Really nice post, I musn't stop thinking : try again tomorrow until I get what I want, but it's hard sometimes...


  6. Laura Nd ~ Thank you. Keep moving forward and you'll eventually see that it does get easier. Focus on appreciation and gratitude.


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