Just A Sweet Hello...

And A Toast!

My move is finally over and things went really well, I’m so happy about that. Sure, I have a little bruise here and there and yes, my body is aching…all over but I’m glad that part is over. Looking forward to making my first spa appointment very, very soon. My nails are in need of a mani as well. These things are to be expected but what was not to be expected is this beautiful weather Georgia has been having lately and how it has helped in our December move. So thankful for that! I’m also thankful for the help that I had through this move from a few of my lady friends, you know you who are. Even though your help has not been physical yet (*wink *wink), your emotional support has gotten me through. There is something special about being able to pick up the phone or email your girl and give her an earful about what’s going on with YOU and how she says just the words you needed to hear. Relationships like these take time to develop and it’s not always easy but it’s so worth the sweat! I love you Ladies.

My Husband is the MAN!!! On his few days off he worked, and worked to get us situated and make us as comfortable as he could in our new home. Many nights he slept for just a few hours before having to work a full day and when he got home he got straight to work again. Today was the first time him and I got to go to lunch together since last week and that’s way too long for us.

Let’s toast!! Thanks to everyone who has wished us well and all the support we’ve gotten and will continue to get, you guys are amazing!!! *Cheers!!!

Hugs n Kisses ~

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  1. Glad you are settled in before Christmas. Enjoy the new home.

  2. Yey! Just in time for Christmas...and to welcome the new year ;-)

  3. glad the move went well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy ur new home!! ;)

  4. JenJen ~ Thank you and I will!! :-)

  5. Shanequa ~ Yes just in time! Thanks, Lady!

  6. Camelia ~ Thanks, Lady! See you soon :-)

  7. Glad everything went well love :))

  8. Glad everything is going well...i hope you enjoy the house and everything it has to offer!

  9. Congratulations on your new home! Wishing you many years of happiness there!

  10. Congrats on the move. Glad it went well. Ain't nothing like being settled in a place you love.

  11. Kerrie ~ Thanks, Lady!!

  12. Mrs. Pancakes ~ I'm looking forward to it!!

  13. Nikki ~ Thank you!! :-)

  14. Tricia ~ Thanks, Lady!! :-)


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