Better Choices

Are you guys all ready for the holiday? If yes, good for you. Hopefully you'll use these last few days to take it easy with smooth sailing on your side. You get extra points for being an early bird. If not, well, what are you waiting for?? Procrastination is a bitch, ain't it? LOL. All you can do now is hope for the best and that everything will turn out ok. Hopefully you'll decide to do things differently next year and have that shopping done. I know how unsettling it can be when you have to rush things through simply because you put off some very important things sometime back and those things have caught with you now. When this happens to me the whole time I'm rushing to put things together I'm usually not the nicest person to deal with. I'm also not the nicest person to myself. This is obviously not one of my preferable ways to deal with these situations, however it's one that comes easily for me, and asking why, I've learned, is futile. Making better choices to deal with unpleasant situations adds much more value to our lives and how we get to enjoy that life. 


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  1. It's funny because I am the early bird for everything except this year I opted to "opt out" of the holiday hoopla. Simplicity is my middle name :)

  2. so true love! i am all ready for the holiday! I am not one that does well under pressure! so i took off thursday to get it all glad i did!!! xoxo


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