Hi Loves ~

Hope you Darlings had a great week and accomplished all you set out to accomplish and if you didn't there is always another week. I hope you got to take some time for yourself in whatever way your heart desired and I hope it was as pleasurable to you as you wanted it to be. You are beautiful and deserve your care. Right now I'm relaxing and sipping on some ginger tea before I put on my dancing shoes to party with Hubby and friends. It's been a long week and now its time to have some fun!

I had a great time for my Birthday and loved receiving all the Yummy wishes. Thank you!! I still have pictures to post from the weekend so stay tuned.

I wanted to share with you something a blogging friend of mine is doing because quite frankly, it rocks! Christie over at ChatterBox Christie is taking a whole month off from blogging. Yes, an entire month away and its not just from blogging either. She's also taking time away from all things online. What do ya'll think about that? Could you turn off your online world for that long? I could and did, but could you? What would be some of your fears? Would it be that serious to you? For some, it would be a major life changing event. For some, their stats would be their biggest concern. For others it would be the connection to friends and life happening online - maybe the fear of missing out.

I unplugged because I needed some time away, to refresh, and reconnect with others offline. I got out of it exactly what I wanted.
So my question is, could you unplug from all things online for a period of time?

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  1. Absolutely! I have been using blogging as a way to unwind and relax, but if I wanted to unplug it wouldn't be difficult. I follow blogs I find interesting and enjoy, and all the blogs I follow the authors would totally understand me taking a break to do something else.

  2. That's why I choose to only post every three or four days so that I do get time away from everything I do online.

  3. For me, my dear friend of the "Fab Five" :), that wouldn't be a good thing -because I'm disabled. So being online plugs me in to literally the entire world! Not only do I have friends, I get news - I can even take care of shopping and have it delivered (if I have the $)! So for this woman to completely walk away from the world...well, I'm thinking she has an entire f2f world that she wants to be more active in. Not all of us do.

  4. I have been blogging since 2008...i can take a great and be ok..but depends on the time...sometimes its needed for mind sake..

  5. JenJen ~ That's great! Especially knowing what you are blogging for, sticking to it and enjoying what you do. Thanks for sharing your views :-)

  6. Ross ~ I know many who blog this way and have found it to be less stressful for their blogging needs. Thanks for sharing!

    Jeannee ~ I understand. We are all unique and what works for one may not/will not work for another. Thanks for your comment :-)

    Tamara Styles ~ Definitely get that! Timing is essential to for many blogs and if done well then good, but if not, could be the death to a blog. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  7. Absolutely! It's one of my absolute favorite things to do. I love to unplug.

  8. Fawn ~ Good for you! I must say unplugging feels great! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment :-)

  9. Amazing! The next morning I came across an excellent post that talks about walking away from your blog for a while. You can find it here. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  10. Not too long ago I extremely minimized my time on line for my own sake. Mainly to rest. I didn't miss it because it was a choice. It's not something I could do for long or a lot 'cause I work online, but I've learned to cut back and not feel the need to always "be there." In fact, I'm shutting down in a few minutes to get in the bed by 9 o'clock. A few months or so ago I would have never done that 'cause of work that still needs to be done or people I still need to connect with. Right now, all I can think about is I'm tired, annoyed and I wanna lay down! :-) I'll have to come back later and read the post you mentioned... sounds like a winner.


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