How To Love Yourself

Hi Loves, hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to say thank you for all the love that you’ve been giving me as of late. Thank you for the emails and one on one chats, I love to interact with people who read my blog. I’m sending that same love and light back to you with lot’s of hugs and sweet kisses ~

Down on my sidebar I share quotes from time to time and it’s titled, “quote of the week”. The one that I have up now has been up for more than one week in hopes you would take notice and did what it said. It’s by one of my favorite women who knows how to create bliss in her life and others, Mama Gena. The quote says, “ Write yourself A Love Letter”. What do you think about that? Sound crazy?

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been doing just what it says and now I have a collection that I can go back through anytime I feel just to remind myself of how special I am to me. We take time to tell others how we love them. We take time to tell others how special they are to us. Why not do this for yourself? Take some time out of your busy schedule, put you on the map, straight front and center and write yourself a love letter, today! Like Kat Williams says, You are YOUR #1 mother…bleep.

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  1. Wholeheartedly agreed, everyone should attempt to take the time to show how special we are as individuals.

    Really enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Don ~ I really enjoy you reading my blog ;-)

    It's been a few years since we've known each other through blogging, I'm glad we met :-)

    Hope you're doing well!

  3. Very good idea! Loving you back!

  4. Regina ~ Much love to you!! We've known each other for going on 4 yrs now through blogging...glad to have connected with you too ;-)


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