Gone Fishing!

Monday we went on a field trip down to on Chattahoochee River with our Homeshcool group and learned how to fish! This was the kids very first time fishing and they had a ball. I was really impressed with their enthusiasm and level of interest. They learned how to cast a line, hook the bait, cast it out and sit and wait…and wait, and wait. Yeah, it’s a whole lotta waiting!! LOL!! I thought they were going to lose interest and say forget this but they were troopers and hung in their with a little help from me. They used me to hold their pole while they walked up and down the dock and took in the scenery. It was so beautiful out there! The weather was perfect with the exception of the heat waves we felt every now and then from the sun. Wearing a hat will surely help. They had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again soon. They didn’t catch any fish but that didn’t stop them from enjoying themselves. They were very grateful for the experience which their Daddy and I both hoped for.

Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (2)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (5)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (12)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (9)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (15)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (17)

Thanks to one of our homeschool mommies for getting her husband to teach our kids fishing 101. He rocked it out and handled all of the kids beautifully!!!


Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (3)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (7)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (18)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (23)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (26)Fishing at Chattahoochhee River (29)


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  1. Looks like so much fun! BTW, you are the winner of my giveaway at www.fashionpad.blogspot.com. I'll be contacting you soon, CONGRATS!

  2. Shanequa~ AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!! Whoot, Whoot!!!!! Can't wait to get it because it's going to come in handy right now especially with me moving in less than a month! ;-)
    And yes, my darling babies had so much fun fishing!!!

  3. How wonderful! I am so happy the family got to go fishing and had a great time. We live on the water so Dwayne takes William out when he can and they do their thing. Funny thing, Dwayne and I were very active fisherpeeps when we lived in Miami. Now I act like I can't touch nature! haha go figure! Thanks for sharing all your lovely memories and the kids are getting so big!!

  4. Shelly ~ I remember you sharing how Dwayne takes William out fishing. I think that's great Dad and Son bonding time and he looked too cute in the pics. I'm like you, I used to love all things nature and now, at time,s I find myself being so squeamish. But that doesn't last long because my kids won't let me, lol!
    They are getting big! I'm savoring every moment with them :-)


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