Could You Quit Blogging?

Hi Beautiful People!

Thanks for the comments on my last post and the honest, thoughtful responses. 

This morning I woke up and checked my email, as usual, and came across an email from Johnathan Fields. If you've never heard of him before check out his website and his line of books filled with inspiration that will boost you to your highest!! Anyway, he posted a blog post just this morning titled, Why I Abandoned My Blog. It was right on time with my post and what I was talking about. When you have time check it out and be inspired if you are moved to do so.

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  1. I am not sure if I will ever stop blogging. I love it way too much, and I adore my readers. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. Bonnie ~ Awww, that's so sweet! And, your readers adore you too ;-)

  3. I've blogged on and off since 2007. I probably will cut back once other ventures take out. Blogging is an avenue for a lot of things, so I probably won't quit for a while.

  4. As others have stated, I like the aspect of blogging which entertains and informs myself of current events and social issues, prevalent to my life and interests.

    I like the connection it brings.

    I take more than a few blog breaks and due to everything mentioned I return to form. Not to mention how I hold a live for writing.

  5. Dr. Reginia ~ I agree. Blogging can definitely be an avenue that leads to other things and opportunities. I didn't realize you were blogging since then :-)

  6. Don ~ I feel the same way. No matter how many breaks I take I always come back for one reason or another. One in particular is the connections. I enjoy the people I meet through blogging. Some of them I've known since I first started in '06 and we're still blogging buddies today.


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