Memory Lane Monday’s And Then Some

I’ve been a closet thrifter for years. I used to consign my kids baby clothes, children’s clothes, shoes, and some of my own things all the time. I remember washing clothes, ironing, and loading them in bags or boxes to take them to the consignment shop. Hubby introduced me to the whole idea of thrifting and consigning, can you believe that? He was damn good at it and would thrift shop all the time before we got married. When I got involved I found that consignment shops fit me better. I enjoyed the idea of taking my treasures in the store, being compensated for them, and then finding new treasures of my own. Hubby wasn’t too crazy about that part of it he just wanted to get in and out, none of that clothing exchange thing for him. It became a hobby for me so much that we decided to turn it into our own business and open up an ebay store. It was great! Our store name was, Picture Me Perfect and we loved  it. We sold used and new clothing from, babies to young adults. We would buy our new clothes by the bulk from various online retailers, take pictures of the items on our mannequins, load it to the store, and then voila, we were in business. We ran the store from 04’- 05’ and it was great while it lasted. We made a decent profit, and would have kept going if it were still a good fit.
Now back to thrifting. When Hubby introduced me to thrift stores I was a little hesitant at first. I wasn’t too keen on the idea of wearing clothing already worn by someone else. Have you guys ever thought about it like this? My MIL would thrift shop all the time and would find amazing deals that I thought was just ri-di-cu-lous! Our conversations would go something like this, Me: “ You found what, and where, for how much??” Her: “ Oh, yes I did! And look at what else I found!” LOL! Even though I was reluctant I was willing to give it a try and was sold after a few trips and the most amazing treasures. Over the years I found a few shops that I really like and just recently found another. However, I still haven’t been able to find a children’s consignment shop that I’m happy with. Children can be rough on their clothes and it’s hard for me to look past some of those nicks and bruises. I’m pretty certain my luck’s going change because I know all of my fashionista’s in the ATL reading this post will have some ideas for me, right? Winking smile
Just this past Sunday, thanks to my friend who is a queen at thrifting in her own right, we cleaned up at a 50% off sale. You should have seen my Hubby taking his time, browsing the isles and finding treasures. Don’t you love it when your man goes shopping with you and is completely involved and is NOT harassing you to hurry up? It truly rocks!   
After I realized how much money we were saving on clothing I got over the whole idea of wearing other peoples clothing. Once you buy the clothes, wash them or dry clean them, they are brand new to you. And once you wear it and get compliments, you alone know that you paid just $3 for your designer shirt. Priceless.

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  1. I love this post! The pic at the top is awesome!!
    It's a great way to wear fabulous clothes at a fraction of the cost! I'm so glad the you are over that fact and can enjoy thrift shopping! I love being a THRIFT QUEEN!! lol

  2. Camelia ~ Girl, I'm glad I did too!! Hopefully this post will inspire other closet thrifters to come out and let the world know they are a thrifter and are proud, LOL! It's been great, all of the treasures we've found through the years and I love finding new stores to shop. I have my eye on one that just opened up, I'll tell you about it soon. And we can head up there together!!

  3. Gurl...I am the queen of thrifting and consignment. Matter of fact I just got back from both. I had good luck today with my 50% off stickers at the Goodwill..and I was able to cash in a credit I had at the kids consignment shop I go to for some nice things for the baby. I don't know what part of ATL you are in but I am south and I go to Katia's Kloset its in Stockbridge. She normally has some really good stuff for cheap.

  4. I am so not a thrifter. I wish I was!!! I just don't know how you can find such awesome items. I think I lack the patience.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  5. Mimi ~ So glad you stopped by! Thanks for the heads-up on Katia's Kloset! Sounds familiar and I'm not that far from Stockbridge either. Will be heading over there soon. I love those shoes by Sole Society you have on in your pic today. I'm signing up with them too! Have you checked out Jewel Mint, Love it! ;-)

  6. Hey Bonnie ~ I'm loving that red dress, you wear it well girl!!! I thought I wasn't one either but after taking the plunge it's a wrap, lol! From the mouth of my darling hubby, patience my friend, patience ;-) It really does take patience and time. You have to be prepared to be there for awhile. Not in all cases, like if you know what you're looking for, go in and can spot it right away. But, if you are planning on buying a lot, you need to give yourself at least and hour. It will be worth it!

  7. i am looking for the best thrifting shops and i haven't found one yet. it sounds like you've had great experiences!

  8. I love consignment shops! I feel an accomplishment buying something I love at a fraction of the price. I don't know of any children's consignment shops, though the idea sounds great! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower.



  9. I became a thrifty shopper after my son was born. Cute baby clothes can be way over priced. I love shopping for my baby boy and walking away with several items for just a few dollars. BTW thanks for the comment on my blog!

  10. Part of my joy of thrifting is sharing the price. I Want the world to know about about my great deal!

  11. You are so beautiful!!!!
    Hugs from Germany,

  12. Mrs. Pancakes ~ Where do you live? There's got to a store you can luck up on. Inbox me so we can chat some more ;-)

  13. Lynn ~ I'll be stopping by your place to see how you finish decorating! I love them too and seriously doing some damage when I go, LOL!!

  14. Jen Jen ~ I can dig it! There is something brilliant about shopping for baby clothes that cost you very little because they grow so fast. I would rather pay $1 for the same thing that would cost me $30 brand new. And just think the little one who it came from may have wore it once or twice before they grew out of it! YW for the comment and I'll be back often!

  15. Mama Violet ~ I always look forward to seeing your thrifting finds, you are a queen at it. Loved your last post about the things your sweetie pie says, too cute :-)

  16. Amtolula ~ Thank you so much :-) I love getting visitors from far away, thanks for stopping by. Will visit you soon!

  17. I am just getting started. I am an awesome sale shopper so I never felt the need to thrift but now I am on it. As far as expensive items! I am never paying full price since I found that consignment shopt (at least I plan not too : )

  18. Baby Shopaholic ~ Congratulations on just getting started, it's a total adrenaline rush ;-) I'm going to check out that spot you suggested some time soon, will let you know how it goes!

  19. love love love thrifting! and it's even BETTER when thrift stores have sales like it isn't already a "sale" lol


  20. Mora ~ LOL!! I totally hear you! It's already a sale that's my excuse for going so often ;-)


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