Man of the Hour...

Dwayne Johnson - aka, The Rock - So Sexy!!!

One of my favorite movies starring Dwayne Johnson is The Game Plan where he plays an NFL star who discovers he has an 8 year old daughter and life changes for him drastically. Nice family movie!

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  1. YES, he is so cute, haha.

  2. Also...I'm really interested in why you have a list of homeschooling sites? Were you/ Are you homeschooled?

    I've been wanting to homeschool my son (He's only 1 year old now, but when he's of age). Any thoughts?

  3. Hi Amber ~'s going on 14 years since we made the decision to HS our children. They've never gone to school and we plan on it being that way for all of them through High School. If everything lines up for you and your son, go for it. It's not as against the grain as it was 13 years ago. It's much more "appreciated" by the masses but don't let that carry much weight for you. Especially when you're the one that's going to have to decide to keep going when it get's tough, and it will.
    The links that I share are sites I use off and on for my children, some a lot more than others. I like them, my kids like them and that's it. I keep it simple. That's my M.O...keep it simple stupid, it works.
    Read a lot, and chat with other's who have been there and done it. When I first started I held onto the words of a HS mom I met who had been HS for 7 years back then. She told me, "this is not "school" and don't expect it to look that way". It was a gem that didn't become clear to me until 3 years into it but when it did...smooth sailing since then.
    Thanks for the question. It has been on my mind to write an article on "unschooling" soon. This has been our method for the past several years.


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