Horn of Africa

The other day I shared a link on Facebook concerning the crisis taking place in the Horn of Africa. A few days later, after sharing the link, I felt so empty about that post. I was bothered by the images that I saw and didn’t want it to be just another "status update". I was compelled to do more. As a mother my heart ached as I looked at pictures of hungry children. I sympathized with the helpless feelings that must haunt their mother’s daily. So instead of staying there I decided to get involved, be about it, and turn this into an opportunity to teach my children how they can help the less fortunate. My children, after reading the stories, were very excited to help and join the many students who are already involved and making a difference.
The WFP (World Food Programme) has set in place 10 different ways to help. Check out the list of ways you can get involved and if your heart desires to do so, jump in where you fit in. Or, you can donate right now by clicking on the link below.

Share food, change lives

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