Caution: Handle With Care

I can remember as a little girl watching my Mom hand wash my Dad's dress shirts in (what appeared to me to be) the biggest sink a little girl's eyes could see. She would make sure there were no rings around the collar's, no rings around the wrists and no stains left behind. (Like those familiar ink stains in the chest pockets from pens leaking.) She took care and pride in what she was doing for him and never complained about it. She knew that when he got dressed and looked all crisp and clean she had a part in that.

Today, this memory came back to me as I was hand washing one of my Husband's shirts and my little girl was watching me. As I washed I could see her thoughts, just like I had thoughts rolling around in my head back then. She's learning. Learning what? Learning to take good care of the things of her loved ones. Learning that this is what her Mommy does for her Daddy and she see's me doing it with a good attitude. Little lessons of love go a long way.

I enjoy hand washing. Yes, I enjoy hand washing my husbands shirts. I do it because I want to, willingly and with pride. There is something interestingly therapeutic and soothing about it. Maybe it's the soap I use with one of my favorite scents (lavender). Maybe it's the loving thoughts I'm having towards my husband because it's his clothes I'm washing. Maybe it's the pride that I feel when he puts it on and I know that I did that. Maybe it's the smile on his face when he knows he can count on me to have them ready for him. Maybe it's the example I'm setting for my little ones about caring. Maybe it's one of these things and maybe it's all, but I love it. Call me old fashion if you want I actually would take that as a compliment. The same thing goes for doing laundry, folding clothes (especially little people's), washing dishes, wiping down counters and tables. Domestic duties, to me are simple actions you can take to give back to those you love. It's all about your attitude.

#thelittlethingsthatmatter #housemakingrocks

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  1. Lisa, you are my soul sister! I do the same with Dwayne's shirts and get great pleasure out of doing it. Our children are getting the very best training watching us. Keep being the amazing woman you are ♥

  2. That was beautifully written. And I shouldn't have been shocked to find out that you do the same as your mom. It's awesome that you're a modern woman with old-fashioned (so to speak) values. I doubt very seriously I would handwash a regular shirt - LOL - but I will delicates, if necessary.

    I agree with you that how you care for your family when you're fixing their meals or taking care of the home is a message about how you care for them. I hope that my younger children are getting that message. I don't really enjoy housekeeping, but I like things nice and I've been working on making our new place as cozy and comfortable as I can. They're always excited to come home and see what new thing mommy has done today. :-)

    Great post. Thanks!


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