On Your Marks, Get Set...

GO!!! Yep, Yep!!! It's that time again!!!

Last year I joined the lovely Ladies of Race & Relax in my first Race/Run/Walk event. I've always wanted to run since after I had my first son back in 2000. Well, three other babies later and four years after that so that my body can recover (yes, recover), I finally did it and loved it!

I have two races coming up. One in September and one in November. The one in September is very special for me because I'm doing it along side my Hubby!!! That's right, he's on like popcorn and in there like swimwear. We began our personal training Monday of this week and our group training yesterday. I find that one of the best things for couples to do to keep their marriage fun is to do fun things together. Set aside time for fun with your lover and watch your friendship blossom. Yes, there will be challenges along the way and some bumps and bruises but if you stick with it all of those things will get kicked out the door so you both can do the damn thang!

In the up coming weeks we will be hitting the gym, training with our group, a personal trainer and joining our group in a few boot camp classes. We've also shifted our eating to more energy giving foods and increased our water. The kids are also getting in to it and by next year they should be ready for their first run.

The second race I'll be doing with the Ladies of Race & Relax, details on that one will come soon.
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